Richard Dreyfuss said Trump lacked ‘class’ during election, now he’s accused of sexual harassment – IOTW Report

Richard Dreyfuss said Trump lacked ‘class’ during election, now he’s accused of sexual harassment

BPR: The tsunami of victims speaking out about alleged sexual abuse and other forms of inappropriate behavior is washing away the veil of hypocrisy in Hollywood.

Actor Richard Dreyfuss is the latest cad to be exposed, with Los Angeles-based writer Jessica Teich telling Vulture this week that he had harassed her for years when they worked together in the 1980s.


Dreyfuss disputed the claim that he exposed himself to Teich, but confessed that he was “horrified and bewildered” to learn that what he considered “a consensual seduction ritual that went on and on for many years … wasn’t consensual.”

Here’s more from Dreyfuss on the allegation:

Teich said she came forward when she became “bothered” by Dreyfuss’ response to his son, Harry, outing actor Kevin Spacey for groping his crotch when he was just 18.  MORE

21 Comments on Richard Dreyfuss said Trump lacked ‘class’ during election, now he’s accused of sexual harassment

  1. They are all people we wouldn’t want our daughters or even our sons to become acquainted with under any circumstance.They are all hypocritical Hollywood types who feel entitled to snag a bit on the side while instructing us on proper behavior and how to vote properly. Has a single Republican or a Conservative been exposed in this mess yet?

  2. @Plutonium – we can gain insight by the responses. Since I have always treated women (all people actually) with respect I would respond with a 100% denial. Someone saying the rules were different then, hard to believe.
    And Moore is shooting himself in the foot with his responses – even if all his relationships were technically legal he clearly understands that a 30 year-old dating a 17 year-old hasn’t been considered kosher for a long time and he is struggling to justify it.

  3. I think all the charges against Judge more are just a bunch of bull. They could not beat him at the ballot box.
    Now they want him to step aside to put Luther Strange on the ballot. Sponsored by Bitch McConnell, John McCain and assorted Swamp dwellers.
    The Judge just beat Luther Strange.Bitch spent $32M and lost. The Repubs are no longer funding the Judge on McConjobs orders. If you think this is how the will of the voters is done, I have news for you!

  4. And Trump lacks class? What shows the true lack of class is the unwillingness to admit you behaved like a clod and instead somehow manage to issue a contrived statement that blames the victim.

  5. I love the irony of the left starting this and getting caught with their pants down.

    Progressives making ‘safe’ places in colleges, and inventing the ‘rape culture’, and encouraging discrimination against white males; where the he’ll did they think this would go? Oh that’s right, against the conservatives. BOOM! It bounced back and is spreading like a wildfire.

  6. Dreyfuss has been lecturing us on right and wrong for years now, so when he get’s caught it’s time for everyone to stand back and realize how quickly the times have changed ! SCREW YOU Richard ,you’re not as special as Mommy told you !!!

  7. Hollywood denizens are beginning to realize just what a shaky perch they’re on. Their extreme leftist views and public position have allowed them to mercilessly attack others they disagree with but now the hot lights are tuned on them.

  8. Years ago, actors were considered second class citizens who couldn’t find legitimate work, so they wandered from town to town trying to eek out a living by pretending to be someone else.
    Unfortunately, movies and TV were so successful that these people became rich in spite of their lack of intelligence and skills (and in many cases – morals).

  9. “We have to relearn every rule we thought we knew about how men and women interact,…”

    Isn’t it a given rule not to creepily expose your dick and balls to a female? GMAFB.

  10. Yep.
    Just a misunderstanding.
    He didn’t realize that the “rules” had changed.
    As though cads and roue-s didn’t exist a thousand years ago, or a hundred years ago, or 25 years ago.
    What fukkin bullshit.
    Guys with money and power trying to get laid by using their money and power?
    Yeah, that’s some “rule changing” shit, alright.

    izlamo delenda est …

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