Big questions are now arising about Roy Moore’s main accuser Leigh Corfman – IOTW Report

Big questions are now arising about Roy Moore’s main accuser Leigh Corfman


Leigh Corfman, who says she was 14 years old when then 32 year-old assistant district attorney Roy Moore initiated a sexual encounter with her, has a troubled past of her own that could very well speak to her credibility as an accuser.

Especially as she decided to make the accusation 39 years after the alleged incident and days before a crucial Senate campaign.

Author and Newsmax columnist James Hirsen put it this way: “Purportedly Moore’s main accuser Leigh Corfman has had three divorces, filed for bankruptcy three times, and has been charged with multiple misdemeanors. Posts on Moore’s FB page indicate that Corfman, has claimed several pastors at various churches made sexual advances at her.”  more here

15 Comments on Big questions are now arising about Roy Moore’s main accuser Leigh Corfman

  1. Had a co-worker like that once.
    “I’m a married woman. Don’t look at me. You looked at me. I’m reporting you to HR for sexual assault.”

    It took a little while, but in less than a year she was fired.

  2. I pray Moore’s support just skyrockets. Notice how quickly the RINOs were all lined up to condemn him and pull his campaign funding? Moore doesn’t need your money. How well did all that cash work getting Strange elected Mitchy Bitchy?

  3. @anon
    “I heard she even fathered a love child with Mitt.”
    I heard that, but I wouldn’t be surprised. I also heard she has an affair with John McCain, and he has been paying her hush money for years.

  4. I sent his campaign $25 today. If he was running in my state I would have given more.

    We’ve seen this before with “I am not a witch Christine O’Donnell” and others. As stupid as her campaign was, I still think she could have won the Delaware seat had they helped her. Because she wasn’t part of the Big Club, they let the (D) club member Coons win.

    Time to ram Moore down McConnell’s and the GOPe’s throat. Please give what you can. Donations will let the campaign know that the MAGA folks supports him over the socialist running against him.

  5. Some women like attention and their craft started as a teen. What I find surprising are men that are quick to blame him for the accusations.
    Way more conservative women are calling bullshit. Maybe that’s because as women we know how screwed up so many women are.

  6. @ Jerry Manderin, the “tell” for me was that McConnell, McStain and Flake lined up so quickly to rapid-fire tweet their demands that Moore drop his bid for Senate. If they had kept their big yaps shut, I might have started to have doubts about Moore. But their behavior told me everything I need to know. They are so stupid!!!!

  7. Newsmax columnist James Hirsen tells us nothing: “Purportedly Moore’s main accuser….” “If Corfman accused” three other pastors.
    Nothing concrete here. However, as others have pointed out, the speed with which McConnell, McCain, Flake and other RINOs threw him under the bus on a forty year old allegation, just pissed me off. I hope the good people of Alabama put him in the Senate. Donate!

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