Steve King: Trump’s DHS Nominee Has ‘Disqualified’ Herself for Supporting ‘Anti-Rule of Law’ DACA Amnesty – IOTW Report

Steve King: Trump’s DHS Nominee Has ‘Disqualified’ Herself for Supporting ‘Anti-Rule of Law’ DACA Amnesty

Breitbart: Rep. Steve King (R-IA) says President Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) nominee Kirstjen Nielsen has “disqualified” herself with her support for amnesty for nearly 800,000 illegal aliens.

Days ago, Breitbart News reported on Nielsen’s support for an amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens shielded from deportation by the Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) during a hearing before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.


Now, King is slamming Nielsen’s nomination to lead DHS, saying her statements disqualify her from heading up the agency because they are against Trump’s pro-law and order agenda.

“Based upon the information in this article, Kirstjen Nielsen has disqualified herself from leading the Department of Homeland Security,” King wrote on Twitter. “Pro-Amnesty is anti Rule of Law.”

Aside from supporting an amnesty for DACA illegal aliens, which has the potential to lead to a chain migration of 9.9 million to 19 million foreign nationals pouring into the U.S. legally, Nielsen confirmed to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) that she would “look into” reopening the DACA rolls in order to allow more illegal aliens into the program.  read more

13 Comments on Steve King: Trump’s DHS Nominee Has ‘Disqualified’ Herself for Supporting ‘Anti-Rule of Law’ DACA Amnesty

  1. Just what President Trump needs, one more establishment agency head that does not support his Immigration reform.

    Why create more problems when you have an opportunity to submit for confirmation a leader at DHS that supports President Trump’s promises to the American Voters?

    Is Kirstjen Nielsen another of McCONnell’s or Ryan’s establishment appointees? Sure looks like it, she worked in the GW Bush administration and elevated by General Kelly.

    Defeat this ill-advised nomination before more damage is done.

  2. This doesn’t look good for Kelly, either. She was his deputy and that’s why she was considered a nominee — for her work during the TX and FL hurricanes. Why wouldn’t Kelly say something to Trump about her before Trump made the announcement? Unforced error — bad for us.

  3. She can’t be allowed to take up the position. Trump needs to have someone back in his inner circle that he can trust, who has the best interests of the country at heart and has the courage of a lion and the guile needed to deal with the DC traitors. Someone who can give good advice and recommend good people for positions in his government. It’s been almost a year now and look at the type of people still getting nominated.

  4. I’ve been trying to put my finger on why things like this and do-nothing Sessions are such bad things. It’s so discouraging and breaks my heart after all the work we have done to give Trump his chance to Make America Great Again. Many people here have worked their tails off and it seemed to be a God-send when we won.

    We knew that it would be hard work and all the evil done to America by the traitors in this country would not be easy to erase. We knew it would take time, but I really did expect to have more winning.

    But now, even with some of the winning, we are faced with set-backs. It seems like the winning is being balanced by the losing. President Trump announces a ban on refugees from certain countries, and it’s reversed the next day. There are too many people in his administration that are working against him and the voters.

    It’s just demoralizing.

  5. Steve King would be a fantastic choice for that position and I can think of others. For instance Andy McCarthy to head the DOJ. Is Trump still getting advice from that two bit son-in-law?

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