And away we go! Court-ordered deportations surge after Trump ends Obama-era delay tactics – IOTW Report

And away we go! Court-ordered deportations surge after Trump ends Obama-era delay tactics

Wa Examiner:Court-ordered deportations surge after Trump ends Obama-era delay tactics.

Government data shows the Trump administration has already shifted the “culture” of immigration attorneys, who used to have more tools under the Obama administration to delay court decisions on whether to remove illegal immigrants, but are now being forced to push for a final verdict more quickly.

Under Obama, immigration attorneys were more likely to leave cases for illegal immigrants in limbo, thus preventing them from ever ruling on whether they needed to be removed from the U.S. An official from the Executive Office for Immigration Review explained to the Washington Examiner that attorneys would push for an administrative closure, or a pause in the proceedings before an administrative judge.

That pause could be achieved by seeking continuance in the case, which might then make it easier to justify a decision not to prosecute.

“Rather than getting [a decision on removal proceedings] … Instead it created this culture of seeking continuance to try to build up a request for prosecutorial discretion for administrative closure, and so it had a ripple effect,” the Department of Justice official said.

A report released by the Center for Immigration Studies earlier this year said the Obama era closed up to 200,000 deportation cases by using administrative closure.

But statistics provided by EOIR show that since President Trump took office, total orders of removal and final decisions issued by an immigration judge have increased.

From February to the end of September, immigration judges issued 100,000 final decisions on cases — and increase of 16 percent over the same period in 2016. The total number of removal orders increased 29 percent. read more

10 Comments on And away we go! Court-ordered deportations surge after Trump ends Obama-era delay tactics

  1. “Deportation Hearing”? If they’re here illegally, what’s to hear? OTOH, if they are green carders or other legal status, I guess that’s another question. Glad to hear it, but why did it take until July, 2017 for Sessions to issue these reminders?

  2. Trump needs to boot that skank emplaced as DHS. Just for having the audacity to ignore Trump’s wishes if nothing else. She is the kind of arrogant jerk we need to cull from the government ranks.

  3. If you think our Attorney’s are Scrounges you should see these Beaner’s,
    they walk up to Mexican people regardless of status and start trying to get them to Sue Whitey. Say you hire a nice Legal Mexican girl to wait tables for you, chances are some Mex attorney will speak to her and within 60 seconds she’s under paid , she needs longer breaks and is told you are Using her because she’s Mexican(In Spanish only)!!!

  4. What’s to hear? You appear and either you have legal status (green card) IN THE FEDERAL DATABASE or you don’t.
    It’s just a matter of running your name. If you’re not here legally you go from the courtroom to a van to the airport. In cuffs.

    90% of Immigration attorneys are the open enemies of the USA. The entire practice, as it now exists, should be abolished. Many of them should be disbarred and prosecuted for fraud, conspiracy to identity theft, misuse of SocSec ID, etc.

    There’s a loudmouth immigration attorney at my Gym. Looks like Bernie Sanders on crystal meth. Despicable guy. Lawyers like him are a huge part of the problem.
    In any sane society he’d be the prison library trustee, doing 10 to 20 for conspiracy.

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