GAME OVER: NFL Fans Outraged as Players Protest Veteran’s Day – IOTW Report

GAME OVER: NFL Fans Outraged as Players Protest Veteran’s Day

Hannity: NFL player protests spilled into Veteran’s Day celebrations over the weekend, with furious fans looking on as three players chose to “take a knee” while the nation honored its men and women of the armed forces.

Two members of the San Francisco 49ers, Eric Reid and Marquise Goodwin, and New York Giants defensive end Oivier Vernon refused to stand during the performance of the national anthem over the weekend; rejecting millions of fans demands that the professional athletes honor the flag for the sacred holiday.

According to the Guardian, Reid routinely denies his protests have anything to do with the armed forces, but instead is about “systemic oppression.”  read more

31 Comments on GAME OVER: NFL Fans Outraged as Players Protest Veteran’s Day

  1. Boycott them. Do not go to their stadiums and do not watch. Most importantly tell their sponsors because they worship the money. I told three of them I will not buy their products and I’m calling a fourth one now.

  2. Here’s the problem. There are dozens of NFL games each week. NFL will only see HUGE non viewership numbers during playoffs, culminating in the worst super bowl viewership ever.

  3. I guess their football helmets are not all they’re cracked up to be. There appears to be a lot of brain damage among football players, or is it stupidity, hard to tell which it really is! the only need these players and you need to take is this first one to the groin!

  4. @braden. Trying to figure out how to identify sponsors if I’m not watching.

    I did contact the local CBS, NBC and Fox affiliates to inform them that my household is no longer participating and urging them to work hard at finding alternative programming. I also told them that they are innocent victims caught in the crossfire of a gangland war

  5. I hope every conservative that is outraged by the behaviour of these players remembers this at season ticket time and refuses to repurchase their seats. NFL media revenue may be down 7% so far this year but hundreds of thousands of Americans not dropping millions of dollars for seats next year will tell the media buyers the days of the billion dollar TV or ESPN contracts are over and with that the days of the multi-million dollar contracts for players as well. No more cities blackmailed into providing free stadiums to get or keep a team. No more TV show hype around the game and instead maybe a game that people can afford to go actually attend and enjoy.

  6. Hope these morons keep it up and put themselves out of work. It won’t take these idiots long to squander their money on cars and gold chains etc. Before long they’ll face the reality of their actions. Their new future will be an endless succession of menial jobs and loud complaints about this racist society.

  7. And to add to the stupidity of the nfl, a group of owners are mad at Jerry Jones for not being supportive of goodell’s demand for 49.5 million dollars per year in a contract extension. They are so mad they are talking about forcing him to sell his team. The nfl deserves to go down in flames.

  8. As far as I’m concerned any person who watches the NFL is part of the problem and are complicit in this “systematic oppression” bullshit.

    If have free housing, energy assistance, medical care, free drugs, EBT cards and midnight basketball is systematic oppression, lets end the social programs altogether.
    I’m tired of paying for the thugs and the ungrateful “oppressed”.

    They may just leave the democrat plantation, get a damn job and take responsibility for their own lives.
    It’s worth a try.

  9. If Reid is so concerned about “systematic oppression” why doesn’t he quit football and spend all his time taking it to The Man?

    What a pussy hat. Speaking of, has a graphic been done of kneeling NFL players wearing pink pussy hats instead of helmets?

  10. Got this from a friend of mine>Its worth a try if anyone is interested.
    Anheiser Busch is taking calls about whether it should pull their sponsorship of NFL football. They are upset about the way certain NFL players and teams won’t show their respect for our National Anthem, our Flag, and our Country. Anheiser Busch employs 1100 veterans who are also being disrespected along with all other veterans living and dead. These NFL players are uniformed, paid employees of the owners teams and have no right to publicly express their personal political opinions on company time. They can do whatever they want on their own time.
    You know how big a sponsor Budweiser is. Their decision, based on this public opinion, could make a tremendous impact on what the NFL does.

    call Budweiser’s special number 1-800-342-5283 and when they answer touch option 1 and give an opinion and it all took less than a minute. Whether or not you vote, please rush this email on to all patriotic Americans and sports fans.

  11. @Moose Wishful thinking does not sell tickets or put my ass in a recliner for an nfl game. Sounds like the same lying media that put Hillary up in double digits before the last election.

    They’re all the same lying bastards.

  12. “This is not about the military, this is not about the flag, this is not about the anthem. My mother served in the armed forces. Three of my uncles served in the armed forces,” Reid said. “I have the utmost respect for the military, for the anthem, for the flag …

    Then fucking stand for them. What you are doing is tantamount to kicking the dog because your wife is bitching at you. You’re off target and you’re pissing off the wrong people – people that aren’t responsible for your perceived grievance. Dumbass.

    Reminds me of #2 son watching a movie about the Marine “corpse” 3 years before he became one and me correcting him. “I don’t care. That’s how I pronounce it.”

    ‘You will care at some point or you’ll be seen as an ignorant fool.’ Funny how joining them cleared that right up for him.

    These overpaid, over-idolized jocks need to be thrown on the front lines and asked to do what everyone else is asked to do. I know it would be torture for these pampered dolts, but it isn’t. It’s service. Real service, where your ass is actually on the line. No 10 yard penalties and flags thrown at you for fucking up. Someone dies. Maybe you.

  13. Jags called me today to join them for the playoffs. Told them I am a hard core boycotter. Said 6000 veterans were at the game Sunday who are over it, I asked where were the other 60,000? The stadium was half empty.

  14. @Old Racist White Woman.
    Those weren’t my words. I shamelessly stole them from something I read. I don’t remember where. Maybe from

    And I paraphrased. The whole thing goes something like…

    Being stupid is like being dead. You don’t know it but Everyone around you does.

    Anybody know the exact quote? Or am I dead stupid?

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