Report: FBI May Be Investigating Planned Parenthood Over Dealings In Aborted Fetuses – IOTW Report

Report: FBI May Be Investigating Planned Parenthood Over Dealings In Aborted Fetuses

Daily Caller: The FBI signaled this week agents may be investigating whether Planned Parenthood’s dealings in fetal tissue were legal.

Sources told The Hill the FBI has requested documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee obtained from the committee’s investigation into Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue dealings. The investigation came after the Center for Medical Progress published a series of explosive videos in 2015 revealing the abortion giant was harvesting and distributing aborted baby parts for researchers.

CMP alleges Planned Parenthood was illegally profiting from the exchange of limbs and organs, and the House and Senate launched investigations into the non-profit’s practice. Senate Judiciary Chair Chuck Grassley referred Planned Parenthood to the FBI at the conclusion of that investigation, saying his committee found evidence indicating the group was profiting.  read more

7 Comments on Report: FBI May Be Investigating Planned Parenthood Over Dealings In Aborted Fetuses

  1. shouldn’t a list of all politicians who took planned parenthood campaign donations be published before the next election ?

    we should know which of them have profited from the killing of babies.

  2. What’s to “investigate”?
    Selling baby parts is a Felony.
    PP officials live on video selling baby parts and negotiating fiercely for maximum profits.

    There’s literally no defense.

    20 years without parole would slap those smug self satisfied smirks right off their bankrupted faces.
    Lamborghini my butt.

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