Meanwhile, Back In England… The Old Vic Theater Receives 20 Allegations Against Former Artistic Director Kevin Spacey – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, Back In England… The Old Vic Theater Receives 20 Allegations Against Former Artistic Director Kevin Spacey

NBC LA: London’s Old Vic Theatre said Thursday it has received 20 allegations of inappropriate behavior by its former artistic director Kevin Spacey, and acknowledged that a “cult of personality” around the Hollywood star had made it difficult for the alleged victims to come forward.

The London theater launched an investigation into Spacey last month after claims of sexual harassment emerged in the United States. Spacey, 58, led the Old Vic between 2004 and 2015.

The Old Vic said it had received 20 allegations of “a range of inappropriate behavior,” from actions that made people feel uncomfortable to “sexually inappropriate” touching.

All the alleged victims are young men, none under 18 years old. The reported incidents took place between 1995 and 2013, many of them at the Old Vic, and all but four of the alleged victims are former staff of the theater.

In all but one case the complainants say they did not report them at the time. One man says he reported an incident to his manager, who did not act on the information.

The Old Vic said it had encouraged 14 of the complainants to go to police, but could not confirm whether any had done so.  read more

8 Comments on Meanwhile, Back In England… The Old Vic Theater Receives 20 Allegations Against Former Artistic Director Kevin Spacey

  1. Star fuckers are all pretty much the same… They find someone with fame and access and they want to hop in bed with them for the thrill or the access to what they think is a professional opportunity. Horny stars let them do it and presume it’s just a perk of being famous. Later, some of the star fuckers realize that they are little different than a used piece of Kleenex and either resent it or use that status as an opportunity to get more fame if they can publicize it. It just goes to show you that if you’re a star, stay away from star fuckers, because while you may only intend to fuck them once, some of them want to fuck you twice, first literally and second figuratively.

  2. I need more popcorn.
    Isn’t it wonderful how the left is eating themselves.
    Wierderstein, Takie, then Spacey, then Stallone, then Frankin. Come on girls and boys, let the fun begin.

    Damn, I don’t know if I can take this much fun. But i will try, cause this is only the beginning.
    Whose next.
    We know about Bill and Al
    (Poodle boy). Then there’s Uncle Joe in the basement. But we should never forget the Kennedy boys. They set the bar.
    So much fun.

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