Uganda: Muslim posing as Christian teacher screams “Allahu akbar,” assaults school’s director – IOTW Report

Uganda: Muslim posing as Christian teacher screams “Allahu akbar,” assaults school’s director

“War is deceit,” said Muhammad.


Jihad Watch: Siraji had been attempting to convert the children to Islam: “‘Siraji came to our class and openly said he was a Muslim, and that his real name was Mugooda Siraji and not Simon Siraji,’ a fourth-grade child told a school official, according to Kakonge. ‘He has been introducing to us Islamic ablution and how to be a true Muslim by believing in Allah and Muhammad.’”…On Nov. 4 at around 4:30 p.m., Siraji entered the school compound and strode to Kakonge’s office, where Muwanguzi, the school director, was meeting with him. Siraji forced his way into the office shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ and hit Muwanguzi with a blunt object, Kakonge said.”

Imagine if a Christian had posed as a Muslim and began teaching in an Islamic school, surreptitiously introducing the Muslim children to Christianity, and then, when confronted, assaulted the school’s director. The international outcry would be immense and protracted. But no one will take any particular notice of this.

“Muslim Posing as Christian Teacher at School in Uganda Attacks Director, Sources Say,” Morning Star News, November 16, 2017:  MORE

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