So much baggage at the ‘anti-Trump hotel’ – IOTW Report

So much baggage at the ‘anti-Trump hotel’

Boston Herald: [Howie Carr] Another outbreak of Trump Derangement Syndrome: Bloomberg reports that the world’s first “anti-Trump hotel” will be opening in Washington next spring.

The daughter of a Hong Kong developer says her 209-room building will be located near the National Mall, about a half-mile from the luxurious new Trump International Hotel, which is in the city’s old Post Office Building.

I’m trying to imagine the sort of amenities that will be available to the Beautiful People at the Moonbat Arms.

When you register at a normal hotel, the room clerk asks you for a credit card. At the Moonbat, the clerk wants to see your EBT card.

The Gideon Bibles have been replaced by Gideon Qurans.

We don’t call it “the lobby,” sir, it’s the Safe Space.

You know how in Whole Foods’ parking lots, they usually have at least a couple of “charging stations” for coal-fired vehicles like Priuses and Teslas? At the Moonbat, every space in the garage will include a charging station.

No flush toilets at the Moonbat Arms — composting is so much more sustainable for the planet, don’t you know. And, per Sheryl Crow’s instructions, only one sheet of toilet paper per guest per night.

Need anything? Call the concierge — he’s standing by in case you’d like to report a hate crime.

Sorry, no elevators or escalators, just bike lanes.

The traditional complimentary chocolates on the pillows at night have been replaced by marijuana brownies and Hillary Clinton cough drops.

In the morning, outside your door you will find a complimentary copy of The Washington Post — unless Bernie Sanders has stolen it.  read more

5 Comments on So much baggage at the ‘anti-Trump hotel’

  1. I wouldn’t go within a 100 miles of D.C. ( degenerate city)
    having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.

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