Ultimatum: Roy Moore Gives Gloria Allred 48 Hours to Release Yearbook, Demands Evidence Be Preserved – IOTW Report

Ultimatum: Roy Moore Gives Gloria Allred 48 Hours to Release Yearbook, Demands Evidence Be Preserved

Breitbart: Birmingham, ALABAMA — An attorney for senatorial candidate Roy Moore has given lawyer and activist Gloria Allred forty-eight hours to release to the custody of an independent examiner the original copy of a yearbook that contains the only piece of physical evidence to be presented in the cases of numerous women who have gone public with stories alleging inappropriate conduct between Moore and teenage girls.

The letter to Allred was dated yesterday and obtained by Breitbart News. Attorney Trenton R. Garmon, who represents Moore and his wife, Kayla, further requested that Allred take steps to ensure the “immediate and professional preservation of the yearbook.”

The letter demanded that Allred and her client, accuser Beverly Young Nelson, issue a “full and fair public retraction” of all “false statements” concerning Moore.  read more

6 Comments on Ultimatum: Roy Moore Gives Gloria Allred 48 Hours to Release Yearbook, Demands Evidence Be Preserved

  1. Why does this conniving skank still have a license to practice law? If she has dropped a turd in the middle of a Uniparty smear campaign, as it appears she has done, they’re might just have her disbarred this time.

  2. Remember when Gloria told Bill Cosby to open a multi-million dollar account that would be paid out to all of the accusers and then all of the charges and allegations would just go away?
    She proved then beyond a shadow of a doubt that none of this is about justice, but about extortion. “Pay me what I want or be destroyed”.
    It is beyond time for her to be disbarred, Gloria needs to be charged with extortion and sent to prison. We the People have had enough.

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