Doctors Found Parasites They’d Never Seen Before Inside The NoKo Soldier Who Escaped DMZ – IOTW Report

Doctors Found Parasites They’d Never Seen Before Inside The NoKo Soldier Who Escaped DMZ

There’s a video at the link showing the removal of parasites.

Daily Caller: The North Korean soldier who suffered multiple gunshot wounds during a brazen blitz into South Korea at the Demilitarized Zone remains in critical condition, according to South Korean reports.

In a hail of gunfire, a bold North Korean soldier ran into South Korea Monday at the Joint Security Area at the DMZ. His comrades fired around 40 rounds, five of which hit the defector. He has undergone multiple surgeries to remove the bullets and address infection. The soldier remains unconscious and is on life support in the intensive care unit at a South Korean medical facility, where he is being treated by renowned trauma surgeon Dr. Lee Kook-jong.

One issue in particular was the presence of several large parasites, the longest of which was 10.5 inches, in the man’s intestines. The parasites complicated the surgery to remove the bullets from the man’s abdomen, the Chosun Ilbo reports.

“An incredible amount of parasites was found in the stomach of the soldier from the JSA, so we are having trouble treating him,” Lee told reporters. “We’ve never seen anything like it in a Korean person before, and it can bring about tremendous complications and make a prognosis difficult.” The worms were reportedly all inside the man’s small intestine as well.

“We discovered parasites that are simply not found in people in this country,” he explained, “I haven’t seen them in my 20 years as a doctor except in textbooks.” The parasites were reportedly roundworms, which are common in developing countries like North Korea, where crops are fertilized with human feces.  Read more

19 Comments on Doctors Found Parasites They’d Never Seen Before Inside The NoKo Soldier Who Escaped DMZ

  1. while the Left/media faun endlessly about how “courageous,” they all are, for waiting twenty plus years to call out a class A creep, this young man actually did something that required courage. My prayers are that this young man will recover and live a long anf full life that includes the joy of the Lord. God bless him.

  2. Kim does not care how many hundreds of thousands die, as long as he is served an abundance of food on time,
    May be a few hungry worms already in his stomach and intestinal lining. That will account for his stunted growth.

  3. They aren’t parasites. They were the protein portion of his last meal in NK.

    I hope he recovers. Hopefully he doesn’t have an extended family. If he does, the next 3 generations get to live in a labor camp. It takes 3 generations for re-education in NK.

  4. they eat worms to begin with, but these were worms from human waste…maybe they got them mixed up and served for a snack the ones they pull out their ass, and kept the edible ones for the fishing bait. FROZEN CHOSIN VET

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