Jesse Jackson reveals he has Parkinson’s disease – IOTW Report

Jesse Jackson reveals he has Parkinson’s disease


NBC; “My family and I began to notice changes about three years ago,” Jackson, 76, said in a statement. “After a battery of tests, my physicians identified the issue as Parkinson’s disease, a disease that bested my father.”

A neurological disorder with no known cure, Parkinson’s is commonly associated with tremors, stiffness and difficulty with walking and balancing.

Northwestern Medicine in Chicago said in a statement that Jackson was diagnosed with the disease in 2015 and has been treated as an outpatient in the years since.  read more


46 Comments on Jesse Jackson reveals he has Parkinson’s disease

  1. You know, I’m kinda proud of the readers of this site for not taking the totally low road (so far, anyway). I opened this post thinking I’d see a lot of really mean-spirited, nasty comments such as “I hope he dies a slow, painful death in excruciating agony and his soul goes to Hell and burns in eternal flames forever and ever”. You know, like for McCain.

    Actually, you guys have been quite restrained for ol’ Revrum Jesse, and that’s kinda refreshing.

    Of course, I haven’t seen any “praying for his full and total recovery from this terrible disease in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen” comments, either.

    Still, you gotta start somewhere.


  2. Who is going to take care of his illegitimate daughter?

    Yeah. Maybe THAT’S WHY you don’t bang your intern when you are already an old man. Your planning is about as near-sighted as everyone else in the inner-city.

  3. “A neurological disorder with no known cure, Parkinson’s is commonly associated with tremors, stiffness and difficulty with walking and balancing.”

    Really?? After all these years they have just discovered he had neurological disorders? We all knew something was wrong with him long ago.

  4. “A neurological disorder with no known cure, Parkinson’s is commonly associated with tremors, stiffness and difficulty with walking and balancing.”

    Really? They just now discovered he has neurological issues? He’s always been unbalanced, stiff, and trembles when he gets caught lying.

  5. Vietvet, for me, the guy was always honest about who he was and what he was about. I disagree with him and his way of business. I think they are horrible and damaging, but he never betrayed me. So, on a human level I can pity him.

    McCain on the other hand, fuck that guy. I hope his death is slow and painful.

  6. My father has had this disease for a few decades, but up until about the past six months (he’s 88 now) it has been controlled very well with medication. Not everyone is that lucky. He is the full-time caregiver for my mother, who is suffering through her final days with dementia and cancer.

    Not sure why I shared that. I haven’t even told my friends.

  7. FTA: “Jackson described his Parkinson’s diagnosis as ‘a signal that I must make lifestyle changes and dedicate myself to physical therapy in hopes of slowing the disease’s progression.'”

    I’ll take the liberty of fixing that statement for him, although I doubt he’ll appreciate it: “Jackson described his Parkinson’s diagnosis as a ‘signal that I must make moral changes and dedicate myself to repenting my mortal sins, atoning for my egregious behaviors, exposing the corruption I’ve contributed to and been involved with, and committing myself to serving the Lord in hopes of slowing down my rapid progression to hell.”

  8. VietVet, I’m “praying for his full and total recovery from this terrible disease in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen” with the proviso that he sees the error of his ways and stops being a race-baiting shake down artist and generally a horrible human being.

    And if that doesn’t work, I hope he’s contagious and he spends a lot of time with Reverend Al and good ole boy Bill.

  9. @Vietvet – Yes, for a charlatan such as Jesse comments have indeed been restrained. I’ll add my own 2¢ and say that all I want is for that fraud to disappear from public life, and his departure doesn’t have to be fatal or even painful, just permanent.

  10. I can’t stand the race baiter, but I will say he was delt a bad hand. Obviously born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, he managed to make a fortune shaking down people and corporations, and doing it legally, or at least having the political clout to avoid prosecution. Say what you will, but he played his cards well.

  11. Believe it or not, about 15 years ago old J.J. showed up at the company where I worked to try to get them to fork over some reparations for an insurance product they had sold back in the 1930s that supposedly had rates that were unduly discriminatory toward Blacks. I’m pretty sure they told him to go peddle his papers elsewhere.

    Anyway, I wasn’t there that day, but a co-worker e-mailed me and said, “Jesse Jackson is in the building.”

    To which my response was, “Have they called the exterminators yet?”

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