Kid Wears Fake News Network Shirt To CNN Headquarters – IOTW Report

Kid Wears Fake News Network Shirt To CNN Headquarters

Well, almost…

Daily Caller: It’s time to crown a new savage for 2017.

This time, it’s seventh grader Jaxon Jester of Dekalb, Georgia.

This week, Jackson’s school went on a field trip to CNN’s Atlanta headquarters but he wasn’t too jazzed about it. So he wore a shirt making fun of CNN’s logo with the letters “FNN” and “fake news network” underneath.

Fortunately for CNN but very unfortunately for Jaxon, his school mandated he take the shirt off to participate in the field trip.


The Jesters were unhappy about this decision – and rightfully so. They claim it violated their son’s First Amendment rights.

Peachtree Charter Middle School later issued an apology to the Jesters but the damage was done. The town of Dekalb was ablaze with debate and online forums fervently discussed the ethics of the matter. Many people actually defended the school’s censorship and claimed it was the Jester’s responsibility to curb their kid’s political views.

Jaxon’s dad, Stan wrote a blog to try to shed light on the situation. He wrote the following:

This year when the CNN tour was announced, my 7th grade son Jaxon asked me if he could purchase an FNN-Fake News Network shirt to wear for his field trip. As an advocate for the First Amendment, I agreed to his request. He picked out the shirt he wanted and and ordered it from Amazon. His mother cautioned him that he might cause a controversy and needed to be prepared for that. He was fully aware of the implications of his decision and made the affirmative choice to wear his shirt.

Stan says he’s “disappointed by the hypocrisy of the situation” and dismayed by how the school handled his son’s situation.

“I defend speech and expression, even if I disagree, or it makes me uncomfortable,” he continued. Read more

15 Comments on Kid Wears Fake News Network Shirt To CNN Headquarters

  1. @moe Tom.

    I get the feeling that many of us here are too old and out of shape for the fight.

    Shoot. I just checked into racial and gender reassignment surgery this week. Doc said I looked like an overripe banana so I can be any race I chose.
    As for gender, a thumbtack and a dab of superglue should take care of it.

    Pretty demoralizing.

  2. I guess we DO need the nanny state

    1. Vulgar stickers on trucks need a police investigation and have it removed.

    2. Brats insulting their host on a field trip makes national news instead of just telling him to wear it inside out.

    Is ANYONE capable of making a calm rational decision or do we need to bring down THE HAMMER on every damn thing including t-shirts and bumper stickers?

    My god people SUCK.

  3. Hmmm. I certainly like the kid’s message and I sopport free speech. But we also want kids to be taught courtesy, civility and politeness. As an invited guest at CNN, he owed them proper respect.

  4. “a vulgar FUCK TRUMP and all you that voted for him” is quite different then this kids shirt. One is vulgar and crass, the other isnt. You decide which but what the kid did was a small gesture of resistance. Kudos kiddo

  5. “But we also want kids to be taught courtesy, civility and politeness.”

    Yes, we should be courteous, civil, and polite to traitors, liars, fifth columnists, destroyers of civilization, and those who would consign us to the ovens.
    Yep. No doubt about it.

    A rodeo clown – A FUKKIN RODEO CLOWN – lost his job in Missouri for wearing an Obola mask! Things that seem inconsequential to the uninitiated can carry quite a bit of seriousness.

    It’s JUST a T-shirt! It’s JUST a sticker! Is it?

    izlamo delenda est …

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