Judicial nominee’s ‘right to marry bacon’ joke had Sen. Pat Leahy sizzling mad – IOTW Report

Judicial nominee’s ‘right to marry bacon’ joke had Sen. Pat Leahy sizzling mad

Michelle Malkin **Written by Doug Powers

How many times can satire die this year? New records are being set daily.

In 2015, then Texas Supreme Court Judge Don Willett, known for being snarky on Twitter, tweeted this:



As the Founders intended!

It couldn’t have been a more obvious joke, but now that Willett’s a nominee to serve on the Fifth Circuit Court, Dems have to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. Vermont lefty Sen. Pat Leahy didn’t find that funny, not one bit!  read more

18 Comments on Judicial nominee’s ‘right to marry bacon’ joke had Sen. Pat Leahy sizzling mad

  1. Why does it feel like we’re watching “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” instead of the Congress? Today Willett is the Sean Penn character and Leahy is the principal.

    Leahy is an idiot. Didn’t he get the recent memo that forced umbrage is so 2016.

  2. I demand that I can be outraged!!1!1!!eleventy!!

    Silly libs, acting all righteous and stuff while ignoring anything that happens on their side of the aisle. And then thinking that people don’t notice.

  3. Leahy who had no problems with Attorney Generals Holder or Lynch gets all uppity about a ore than obvious joke.
    Why didn’t he react to Fast and Furious gun running, Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton or the social justice, socialist progressive judges appointed by obama?

    Leahy’s indignation, like his being a Senator, is a joke.

    He and Bernie Sanders from the same State, Vermont.
    Must be the water.

  4. Vermont used to have real American heroes during the Revolutionary war. Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain boys. Battle of Fort Ticonderoga.

    Now Vermont is overrun with aging hippies like Ben and Jerry, who escaped from New York and pose as socialists while carving out vast wealth for themselves.
    Helllo Bernie.

  5. PHenry. What happened in Vermont is happening al over the US. What Americans have to do is protect the Electoral College which is coming under attack ever since Donald Trump’s fantastic win.
    I only recently realized that Hillary Clinton won New York’s 29 Electoral votes by winning just 16 of New York’s 62 counties. 46 counties went for Trump but densely populated areas of the state overpower the rest of the state. The same goes nationwide. Santa Clause always wins.

  6. “Hollywood celebrity Kevin Bacon, who reportedly left his movie set in tears to find a safe space, could not be reached for comment.”
    Did they do a headcount of male interns after he left? Just to be sure?

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