Boy, someone’s nose is out of joint – IOTW Report

Boy, someone’s nose is out of joint

Patriot Retort: Look out, Hillary. When it comes to the title Most Bitter Loser, it looks like you’ve got some competition.

The soon-to-be retired Senator from Arizona Jeff Flake certainly has his nose out of joint, doesn’t he?

I mean, even more so than usual.

I’ve never particularly liked this guy – at least not since the abysmal Gang of Eight “Immigration” bill of 2013.

In addition to being an insufferable jerk, he seems to resent the fact that his constituents actually expect him to listen to them.

And his hatred for President Trump, coupled with his anger at voters for not appreciating his genius and conservative “principles” are getting the better of him.

This morning Breitbart reported that Senator Nose Out of Joint got caught in a hot mic situation in Mesa, Arizona yesterday.

When speaking with Mesa’s Mayor John Giles, the harrumphing Flake was heard saying “If we become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast.”

Who’s this “we” of whom you speak, Flakey?  read more

19 Comments on Boy, someone’s nose is out of joint

  1. “He” is probably speaking of The Good Ol’ Boy Country Club Republitard RINO DildoCrat Libtard uniparty……as opposed to anyone else conservative.
    That, and the mouse in his pocket. Hence, the Royal “we”.

  2. Somebody ought to exercise a “Harry Reid” on him.

    These clowns live a live of privilege paid for by the taxpayers and there is no sense of gratitude or even a pause to just fade way.

    Judge Moore and PDJT both have qualities lacking in most politicians in our country. Flake is proving, like mcshitforbrains, that he has been part of the problematic swamp.

  3. Arizona has been burdened with two shitbirds.

    Both Flake and McCain shit all over the republican voters, then squawk and chirp to the main stream media, while nesting with the democrats.

  4. Sure he is ticked off as the citizens of this country are raining on his sweet Senate parade/gig and all the perks, money, and sloth therein granted to a denizen of the club! He didn’t expect that to happen and is both shell-shocked and mentally disturbed! His irrational behavior will become the norm for all the swamp-dwelling and lothsome creatures in line for the same treatment!

  5. Flake is real fond of stating that what we want is not what the Republican Party stands for.
    He’s never had a clue what the Republican Party stood for because he leans communist, just like his BFF McCain.

  6. Oh yeeeeah. A backstabbing smart-assed, RINO is worried about his party….while he’s ruining it.

    “Hey everybody, gather ’round and sit on the floor, Jeff Flake is philosophizing!”

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