Roy Moore: Mitch McConnell Afraid Because ‘I Will Not Be Controlled’ – IOTW Report

Roy Moore: Mitch McConnell Afraid Because ‘I Will Not Be Controlled’

Breitbart: BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — Speaking in an exclusive radio interview, senatorial candidate Roy Moore charged the establishment wing of the Republican party—led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell—is in cahoots with the Democratic Party to stop Moore’s campaign.

Moore framed the Alabama senate race as representing a critical juncture for the future of the country, explaining that a revolution in the Senate is necessary in order for Trump to enact his populist agenda, especially on border security and repealing and replacing Obamacare.

Moore charged that McConnell and establishment Republicans can only support candidates that “they could control.”

“Well I have never been controlled. I do not want to be controlled and I certainly will not be controlled when I come to Washington,” Moore stated.  “I will decide on issues independently by listening to my colleagues, discussing matters with them. I will make up my own mind.”

He said that McConnell and establishment politicians are afraid of him because he is “not your typical Republican. Not only do I believe in conservative fiscal issues, but I also believe in moral and conservative social issues.”  more

See also:

Three Alabama Newspapers Instruct Voters to ‘Reject Roy Moore’ With Front-Page Editorials.



8 Comments on Roy Moore: Mitch McConnell Afraid Because ‘I Will Not Be Controlled’

  1. I’m just reading a piece over at Redstate (yeah, that Redstate) which accuses Moore of “utter selfishness” — to the party, I guess. Wow! The RINO/anti-Trump contingent are even starting to sound like the Democrat Collective.

    Cripes! Those AL newspaper headlines read like something out of 1930’s machine-controlled journalism. Oh, wait…plus les choses changent, plus elles restent les mêmes.

  2. Moore may be the only honest one in the senate if elected.

    Even Cruz dropped his support. It is what happens when you are compromised by questionable citizenship (Remember the native born issue in the 2016 primaries), campaign finance violations that have been, so it seems, buried until needed.

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