Looking forward to a nice, quiet Thanksgiving – IOTW Report

Looking forward to a nice, quiet Thanksgiving

h/t Merry Poppet

25 Comments on Looking forward to a nice, quiet Thanksgiving

  1. Even though I have a new wife and inherited a family (3 kids, 5 grandkids & one great-grand daughter) Mrs. M. and I decided, since this is our “honeymoon year” we are leaving the family to their own devices and the two of us have booked a room for several days at an Ohio State Park Lodge where they have a fantastic dining room and feature a Thanksgiving buffet! No muss, no fuss, no dishwashing.

  2. @Mr. Mxyzptlk. Do provide the cabin # so IOTW-ers can drop by in case y’all get lonely 😜
    Seriously, congrats. I wish you & your bride many more years of happiness!

  3. My daddy designed that Nyquil bottle and label! RIP favorite Dad.

    No family, just Honey Baked Ham and compound set up by the hub for a picnic on the beach. Oh, and little Higgins, too!

  4. @Mr. Mxyzptlk, so happy for you — enjoy your honeymoon-year Thanksgiving!

    We will have a full house, but thankfully, everyone in my clan is conservative. Doesn’t mean we always agree, but we certainly have fun discussing and debating, and nobody ever shrieks, “Racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, blah, blah, blah….”

  5. Love it! My daddy designed the Nyquil bottle and label! RIP my best bud!

    No family, so Honey Baked turkey and green bean casserole on the beach w/the hub and little Mr. Higgins! Can’t wait!

  6. My first Thanksgiving since moving back home. Having some of the unattached siblings over. Sis is bringing the duck, bro is bringing the pie and I will provide the vegetables. We will play games, tell stories and laugh. We will all go visit Mom and continue to tell stories and laugh.

    Ahhhh, home!

  7. First Thanksgiving with mom in a nursing home, so hubs, my dad & I will eat with her at noon. Then another dinner later at daughter & son-in-law’s who are doing all the cooking & cleaning up. Win! Son is law enforcement and has to work. You do what you have to do.

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