Mark Levin gets Weekly Fox News TV Show – IOTW Report

Mark Levin gets Weekly Fox News TV Show

Freedom’s Lighthouse: Drudge is breaking news that “The Great One” – Mark Levin – will be getting his own weekly TV Show on Fox News! No details yet on exactly what time the show will air or when it will begin. But you can be sure it will not be dull! Congratulations to Mark Levin.

He was very anti-Trump during the primaries in 2016, and at one point, said he would never vote for Trump. But I give him credit for letting all the emotion die down and in the end doing what was best for America. He supported Trump in the last few months of the 2016 Campaign because he knew Hillary Clinton would be a disaster for the country. He made the step that so many NeverTrumpers have not. Levin believes what’s best for the country is more important than tending old grievances.  MORE

49 Comments on Mark Levin gets Weekly Fox News TV Show

  1. Get a grip, people, it’s a 10pm Sunday night show. He is better than most. If you can’t see that then you don’t listen to his show. Yes, I listen. You don’t listen, that’s why you need to get off of this thread , you jerk! 🙂 And Hannity is like a repeat teletype. And Savage is a bore. And Limbaugh is an abusive Apple sponsor. SO THERE!!!

  2. Brad, I listen almost everyday and stay informed, what do you do? Mark Levin is one of the best out there. He calls balls and strikes like the best umpire. What say you?

  3. For God’s sake can you get your head around it? Mark, Levin, myseld, and Big Fur Hat supported Ted Cruz in THE PRIMARY…NOT THE GENERAL ELECTION!!! ALL THREE OF US WENT FOR TRUMP. YOU CAN’T GET OVER THAT???

  4. I’m starting to think that the people around here are trying to oust anyone who not indigenous TRUMP! Let’s face it if we were not for Trump from the get-go we are sh*t!

  5. I try listening to Levin.
    I’m good for ten minutes.
    Way too self-righteous, with his declarations over what real conservatives should want.
    For example I see $360 billion annual trade deficits with China as extremely damaging but I hear Levin slam Trump for wanting to negotiate a better deal; President Trump isn’t a free trade purist like Levin so he’s horrible.
    I consider Levin borderline nuts. Pretty much unlistenable.

  6. Meerkat Brzezinski,
    I would have more respect for that asshole if he would have stuck to his NeverTrump principles. But when his audience dropped to three retards he flipped a bitch. Fuck him.

  7. “Three retards”…OH!!! He has a new production firm that has: himself, Gavin McInnes, Steve Crowder, Michelle Malkin, and Steve Deace. So suck it. Mark Levin is winning. Plus a new show on FOX! DUH!

  8. When Trump first joined the race, I didn’t know what he would eventually be about. Very few did. I liked some things he was saying, but worried he would flip once he got in. My best information at the time had me supporting Cruz. Then, further along, I had really hoped they would both be on the ticket. NOW, I think DJT is superb. He may not be perfect, but he’s vastly better than I thought anyone would be. I’m very worried that Pence is Veep however. Trump should ditch him for someone closer to Trump’s perspective, and preferably, mean as a rattlesnake.

  9. Really Brad, I don’t know where your head is? Why so much hate fore this guy? He is one of the good ones. You need to stop laying waste amongst elections. Especially if your opponents were true to sport and were not dirty. And especially, especially if both the candidate and myself supported your electorate? Do you think after a year and a half you can tone it down a bit? Thanks!

  10. Levin has a lot of good information about the law and workings of government but he gets a little to rude to his radio call in guests at times.
    There is us and there is them, I don’t want to pick apart anyone who shares most of my views. We need all hands on deck for this fight.

  11. I listen closely to what ppl say and take them at their word until they give me reason otherwise. Used to listen to Levin daily, I learned a lot & accepted the screaming banshee persona as a trademark gimmick.
    Loved Malkin for her intelligent, superior journalistic research abilities on topics others wouldn’t touch.
    I respected Cruz for his brilliance, knowledge of the constitution, ability to legislate issues based in law, and the tenacity to stand firm against the establishment no matter the political consequences.

    I believed all of these ppl…. until they gave me reason(s) not to, and I absolutely respect their support for Cruz thru the primaries. However…

    Levin continued his sanctimonious rants against Trump until the monetary winds shifted. Further, he sh*t on Mark Steyn (who I believe has a suit pending, GO Mark!). Levin is Hewitt/Kristol/Nat’l Review 2.0. His tepid support of Trump now is too little too late for believability.

    Malkin, same same, led a rousing pep rally for Paul Ryan at CPAC. Like Levin, she made a calculated ($$) decision to support Trump after entering contract(s) with Newsmax & FOX.

    Do I really need to break down the dirty establishment tactics Cruz has engaged in, most recently his public statement against Judge Moore with no evidence. Where’s the principled, constitutional Cruz? In the swamp w McConnell et al.

    My father had a saying, “don’t tell me, show me”. I won’t listen to any of these swamp dwellers for the simple fact, they showed their true character.

  12. I pretty much agree with MeerKat.
    Yes,Levin may not be perfect and is quite caustic, but he is very intelligent and knowledgeable, especially in Constitutional matters.
    I listen regularly to at least part of his podcasts to get his viewpoint.
    I know I will be checking out his new show. It looks like Fox is heading back in the right direction now after it looked like the Murdoch boys were going to destroy what they had.

  13. If something comes up, and I feel like the others hosts don’t have enough knowledge or are too biased to analyze, I turn on Levin and see if there is a new perspective. I rarely listen past the first hour but he can be a well of knowledge when others are spewing talking points.

  14. Btw, I was for Cruz too, until I realized he had little chance of winning. I was happy though that Trump announced his candidacy,supported him and think he’s doing a great job now.

  15. Levin was a GOPe shill in the 2016 presidential primaries. He supported Cruz to help Jeb, and then to stop DJT. Mark Levin is about money for Mark Levin. He is an entertainer and a book salesman.

    I occasionally listen to him by default on Sirius. I notice Levin now realizes who is audience is, and he has tempered his Trump bashing.

    I hope the best for him. We need all the help we can get against the Left.

  16. EE (Engelburka Engelburka) — Excellent comment/summary.

    There are several comments here about Levin being “on our side.” I don’t know. Or I should say that I’m very skeptical — especially now — of people who were not on “our side”, then changed their views or their tone because things weren’t working out from either a popularity or monetary standpoint. Too much finger-in-the-air, measuring the direction of the wind for me. It’s not that Levin wasn’t on “our side”, it’s that he was decidedly on the other side, and for way too long. It made getting Trump elected in the GE that much harder because the damage had been done. Levin went full Beck. Has he ever explained on his radio show just why he’s changed his mind about POTUS Trump? And I mean not just his support for some of Trump’s decisions, but Trump, the man? If not, then I suspect he’s going to set himself up at Fox as “the voice of reason” even if it means scalping Trump on a regular basis. Are they getting set up for 2020 and another “True Conservative, Inc.” candidate? I don’t trust him.

  17. The 2016 primaries are over. We are all on the same side. I just tired of replaying it at this wonderful site. There is a lot of b.s. being thrown at Levin based on 4-chan talking points and not reality. If you actually listen to Levin, you would know that he was at the White House last week and spent 15 minutes with our president, which he only good things to say. Which he does repeatedly.
    The primaries and the election are over. The only babies that should still be crying are the Bernie voters. Please stop!
    Finally, if I did not vote for Trump in the primary, does not mean that I didn’t vote for him in the general. That does not make me Ben Shapiro or Never Trump!

  18. Meerkat — ” The only babies that should still be crying are the Bernie voters. Please stop!”

    Please don’t take everyone’s opinion of Levin so personally. It’s not meant as any kind of knock on you at all. I see where you’re coming from, but I also know that this last election was really a galvanizing election for people like me who can no longer find it within them to capitulate to any force that was as against POTUS Trump as they were. Maybe Levin has had an epiphany, I don’t know. I haven’t heard of him of taking an hour of his show to tell us how his thinking has changed or why. It would help him and his audience to know. By way of example: would you trust Glen Beck (assuming you had trusted him before) if it was him and not Levin we were talking about?

    No call to tag us as “babies”. It’s reasonable to question the loyalty of someone who was terribly disloyal.

  19. I like Mark, Sean and Rush. Rush has an advantage because his voice range is all over the map. Seans’ voice tends to talk in ‘almost’ upspeak, which is annoying. Mark has two voices…soft, and SHRILL. (“Isn’t that right Mr. Producer?”)

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