Uranium One noose is tightening – IOTW Report

Uranium One noose is tightening

American Thinker: Now that the FBI’s informant on the Uranium One deal has been outed and the nondisclosure agreement formerly muzzling him abrogated, it is possible to see the outlines of the devastating case to be made against not just Hillary Clinton, but the entire Obama administration.  Two intrepid reporters, John Solomon of The Hill and Sara Carter of Circa News and Sinclair Broadcasting, are gaining access to some of the reported 50,000 documents in the possession of William Campbell, the whistleblower who went to the FBI with the scary details of what appeared to him to be an illegal attempt by Russian entities to take over the world uranium market, including even the uranium resources in our ground.

Reporting in The Hill, Solomon calls our attention to what could be a key to understanding the magnitude of the scandal:

Campbell, who was paid $50,000 a month to consult for the firm, was solicited by Rosatom colleagues to help overcome political opposition to the Uranium One purchase while collecting FBI evidence that the sale was part of a larger effort by Moscow to make the U.S. more dependent on Russian uranium, contemporaneous emails and memos show.

“The attached article is of interest as I believe it highlights the ongoing resolve in Russia to gradually and systematically acquire and control global energy resources,” Rod Fisk, an American contractor working for the Russians, wrote in a June 24, 2010 email to Campbell.

The Russian plot to “control global energy resources” was reported by Campbell to the FBI a year prior to approval of the acquisition.  There is every reason to expect – and the proof would be available to congressional investigators or (cough) a special counsel or U.S. attorney – that this information was passed up the chain to A.G. Eric Holder and even President Obama.  Yet CFIUS – the group of agency heads that must approve such transactions on which Holder and Hillary sat – went ahead and approved this sale that the U.S. knew was part of a Russian plot to control the world uranium and energy markets.  read more

10 Comments on Uranium One noose is tightening

  1. Trump hasn’t been president a year yet, but look at all that has been done. And we knew the first year would be the most difficult, with the most resistance and horror stories about Trump as they attempt to rein him in. I wish we had seen more success – particularly with 0bamacare repeal – but am optimistic for 2018.

  2. Sessions needs to be replaced with someone who will bring charges. Trey Gowdy? Some bulldog?

    I want Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, the former POTUS, Lois Lerner, the Hildabeast, most of BATFE, anda few others rotting in prison to restore any faith in government. Add to that, the impeachment of liberal judges and we will have some real progress.

  3. I ask this with all sincerity: Do any of us think anything will happen here? What has happened in the past that would give us any kind of hope that these people will be brought to justice?

    We have a criminal enterprise that no one has the stones to prosecute. This is understandable in on sense since those who cross the Clintons seem to disappear or assume room temperature prematurely at an alarming rate.

    At some point, however, this must be addressed and those involved in screwing this country must be eradicated. I am in my 50’s and think I will never see either Bill, Hill, Obama or any others in orange jump suits. Too much cover coming from the establishment.

  4. Give those asshole Clintons their due. Nobody knows how to work the system to get away with high crimes better than that fucking cunt Hillary. I think most of the GOP ruling class are terrified of her, mainly because most of the GOP ruling class are monumental pussies to begin with.

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