Amazing grace: Trump’s Thanksgiving proclamation thanks God – IOTW Report

Amazing grace: Trump’s Thanksgiving proclamation thanks God

“On Thanksgiving Day, as we have for nearly four centuries, Americans give thanks to Almighty God for our abundant blessings.  We gather with the people we love to show gratitude for our freedom, for our friends and families, and for the prosperous Nation we call home.” – President Donald J. Trump.

President Donald Trump with first lady Melania Trump, right, and their son Barron Trump, look at National Thanksgiving Turkey Drumstick after being pardoned by President Trump during a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2017. This is the 70th anniversary of the National Thanksgiving Turkey presentation. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

BPR: Lost amidst the gluten-free stuffing recipes, turkey fryers, and the nixing of family political discussions is the original purpose of the Thanksgiving holiday  to give thanks to God for all our blessings.

However, most Americans are unaware that Thanksgiving as a federal holiday was rooted in war – the Civil War’s bloodiest battle. Following the decisive Union Army victory at Gettysburg, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thursday, November 23, 1863, as a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”

 By today’s standards, Lincoln’s Thanksgiving proclamation sounds like an eloquent church sermon.

Following Lincoln’s lead, since 1863 every president has issued a National Day of Thanksgiving proclamation. All of these proclamations are fascinating windows into U.S. history with the president often using the occasion to summarize the national mood.

Especially poignant was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s last proclamation issued on November 1, 1944. With World War II drawing to a victorious close, FDR wrote:

“In this year of liberation, which has seen so many millions freed from tyrannical rule, it is fitting that we give thanks with special fervor to our Heavenly Father for the mercies we have received individually and as a nation and for the blessings He has restored, through the victories of our arms and those of our allies, to His children in other lands.”

Near the end of FDR’s proclamation, after impressing upon Americans to “give a united thanks to God,” Roosevelt recommends:

“…that we may bear more earnest witness to our gratitude to Almighty God, I suggest a nationwide reading of the Holy Scriptures during the period from Thanksgiving Day to Christmas.”

Today, we cannot fathom a president’s Thanksgiving proclamation recommending a “nationwide reading of the Holy Scriptures” for three weeks, without an impending constitutional crisis over the separation of church and state.

Just how far has our nation drifted from collectively embracing the Divine Power of our Judeo-Christian foundation?

For example, President Obama’s 2016 Thanksgiving proclamation did not mention the name “God” or “Almighty” in the text. (“Lord” was found on the date as in, “I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third of the November in the year of our Lord two thousand sixteen.”) But does that really count?  read more

19 Comments on Amazing grace: Trump’s Thanksgiving proclamation thanks God

  1. I was shocked but pleasantly surprised when I went to our local Super 1 Grocery store this morning and saw that they had a large holiday window painting over the main entrance that said “Jesus is the reason for the season”. Don’t see things like that too much anymore, unfortunately.

  2. Except from the second paragraph of my sermon for Sunday:

    …Few people have the time to stop and be thankful. We know we’re not happy people, but a famous quote tells us that we should know “it’s not happy people that are thankful but rather thankful people who are grateful.”

    I’m grateful everyday for the things life passes to me including my family, my faith, and even getting the chance to express my feelings/sarcasm on IOTW, so much so that I am going to hit the tip bucket on the way out.

  3. @corky, thanks for giving Barons real age, he’s quite a tall boy, and handsome too. The whole family is a pleasure to look at. No ghetto clothing on the Trumps! No frowns or scorns either, oh and no bowing to foreign leaders as well. I am happy with Trump, the previous 8 years with the Obamas was pure disgust.

  4. MJA, unless you are doing a hellery imitation I would not do the mumu. Jeans are fine. We will have the usual assortment of desserts. Turkey, ham, tri-tip, all the standard sides. Let me know when you land in Seattle and I’ll have the limo there to bring you here. I even have 1 more guest room open.

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