Indonesian military performing ‘virginity tests’ on female recruits – IOTW Report

Indonesian military performing ‘virginity tests’ on female recruits

Human Rights Watch has also documented the use of virginity tests by security forces in Egypt, India and Afghanistan and criticized calls for virginity tests for Indonesian school girls.

The Star: JAKARTA—Indonesia’s military and police continue to perform abusive virginity tests on female recruits three years after the World Health Organization declared they had no scientific validity, an international human rights group said Wednesday.

Human Rights Watch said senior Indonesian police and military officers have told it that security forces still impose the “cruel and discriminatory tests,” which are carried out under the guise of psychological examinations for mental health and morality reasons.

“The Indonesian government’s continuing tolerance for abusive ‘virginity tests’ by the security forces reflects an appalling lack of political will to protect the rights of Indonesian women,” said Nisha Varia, women’s rights advocacy director at Human Rights Watch.

The group called for President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to order the national police chief and military commander to ban the practice.

The testing includes the invasive “two-finger test” to determine whether female applicants’ hymens are intact, which WHO in its 2014 clinical guidelines for health care of sexually abused women said lacks any scientific basis.

h/t The Halls of Macadamia <— Go say hi.

9 Comments on Indonesian military performing ‘virginity tests’ on female recruits

  1. How would you like a male Doc
    goin’ up in your Wazoo to see if
    Mr.Cherry is still at home you stupid
    little libtard feminazi college girl ???
    Where is the outrage ?

  2. Indonesian Doc: “What is this?” (pointing to his “manhood”)

    Female Recruit: “That’s a penix.”

    Indonesian Doc: “Thank Allah you didn’t say “cock!”

    Female Recruit: “Heaven knows, a cock is MUCH bigger than that!”

    (adapted from a very old joke)

    izlamo delenda est …

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