Welfare Reform – IOTW Report

Welfare Reform

Black Community News: The 1996 welfare reform law required that some recipients of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program work or prepare to work for their benefits.

The Obama administration weakened the law by waiving the work requirement. The Trump administration rescinded the waiver and restored the requirement.

Now President Donald Trump wants to do more. After Congress sends him a tax reform bill, which the president seems confident will happen, he wants lawmakers to work on reforming welfare. The Hill reported on his recent visit to Capitol Hill.  read more

9 Comments on Welfare Reform

  1. This need’s to happen, people need to work to understand Society.
    If you’ve always been on Welfare and your folks are as well, then there’s no way you should have any input as to voting etc.
    If they know what Work is, they will understand what Weekends and Day’s off actually are !!!

  2. We have a very serious need to rebuild our infrastructure and a very large group of people relaxing on the dole. Bring back the Works Projects Administration to let people punch a clock and work for the money. You have a disability claim. Fine, you can show up on time at the work site, sit in a folding chair, and watch the labors. Lunch will be served to everyone at the same time, with supervisors and any security people retiring to a nearby location while the workers have heart-to-heart conversations with the loafers.

  3. President Trump reminds me of The Energizer Bunny! He just keeps going, attacking swamp slime everywhere. I love it. He’s never set back by progressive judges, just jukes and heads for the goal.

  4. Cloward and Piven wrote the book on how to destroy our society. Collapse it from within by over-loading the Welfare System. This isn’t just about taking away benefits. This is about saving our nation from collapse orchestrated by the Communist Left emboldened for eight years by a lawless, divisive, autocratic, sociopathic, phony baloney, plastic banana republic, Radical, Bomb-Throwing, Communist-Organizing Marxist, Muslim Mallard!

  5. And to think I actually believed the Cloward and Piven bullshit when I was young and naïve and majoring in social work back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Fortunately I grew out of it and found out I couldn’t do it because I wasn’t dysfunctional enough to be a social worker and besides I hated community organizing.

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