That time when Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) read Playboy on a commercial flight – IOTW Report

That time when Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) read Playboy on a commercial flight


In light of the news that Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim in 2015, a new report reminds us of how media laughed off his behavior in 2010 when he was caught on video reading Playboy magazine while on a commercial airplane.

At the time, liberal media treated it as an amusing story that warranted nothing more than a little embarrassment – even calling Conyers “bold” and “frugal” – as The Daily Caller recalls:

“At the time, the incident was treated as a joke. The Huffington Post wrote, ‘It takes a bold person to openly read an adult nudie magazine in public, especially on an airplane where tight confines often leave neighboring passengers reading over each other’s shoulders. It takes an even bolder person to do it while serving as a U.S. congressman.’”

“At the end of their piece in 2010, HuffPo lauded Conyers for his frugality. ‘And hey, at least he was seated in coach, so people can’t hiss at him for excessively spending taxpayer dollars while taking in some adult entertainment,’ they wrote.”


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7 Comments on That time when Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) read Playboy on a commercial flight

  1. Scum bucket John Conyers
    will not be forced to resign, just like
    Scum bucket Bill Clinton
    was not forced to resign, just like
    High ranking active KKK officer
    Robert Byrd
    was not forced to resign, just like
    Tedward ( homicide ) Kennedy
    was not forced to resign

    Leftist democrat pigs are not to be
    thought of as criminals
    Even when they are.

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