Eminem ‘Extremely Angry’ Trump Did Not Respond to His Freestyle Rap Bashing – IOTW Report

Eminem ‘Extremely Angry’ Trump Did Not Respond to His Freestyle Rap Bashing

FOX: Eminem cannot understand why the president of the U.S. did not respond to the recording artist’s five-minute freestyle rap bashing.

“I was and still am extremely angry,” Eminem told Shade 45. “I can’t stand that motherf***er. I feel like he’s not paying attention to me. I was kind of waiting for him to say something and for some reason, he didn’t say anything.”  more

34 Comments on Eminem ‘Extremely Angry’ Trump Did Not Respond to His Freestyle Rap Bashing

  1. Aww. Poor little has-been. He is 45 years old and dressing like he is 15. That rap of his wasn’t even catchy. Maybe he has early onset dementia. Doesn’t matter. He said he doesn’t want anyone who is not a far left d-bag to listen to or buy his stuff, so he shouldn’t get mad when he is ignored by people who are not far left d-bags.

  2. Boy, that sure backfired. He wanted the news to be about President Trump disrespecting him by calling him names, but instead it’s about him acting like a little bitch because Trump has better things to do.

  3. If that is true and not some elaborate put on the answer is simple. He’s pissed because Eminem is desperate to restart his career and this failed to do it because humans tend to ignore ants running around their feet. What a little crybaby, I’ll bet the little rapper has never even been in a fight.

  4. President Trump probably doesn’t know who Eminem is, nor does he care. Good thing President Trump’s not “woke” to a has been attention whore seeking to be a member of the Trump Dissed Me club.

  5. PDJT can’t win. If he responds to this ancient loser, he’s called out by the left. If PDJT DOESN’T respond to this ancient loser, he’s called out by the left.

    Frankly (my dear, I don’t give a damn), PDJT has better, more important, and more constructive things to do with his time than to respond to every little piss ant, has been, never was.

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