Black Freaky Friday – IOTW Report

Black Freaky Friday

From the Daily Caller:

Black Friday always brings out crazy brawls between strangers fighting over the last marked-down item — and 2017 proved to be no different. Here are some of the craziest videos from this year’s Black Friday.

Warning: The following video clips contain strong language.


SNIP: Did any of you shop yesterday?

41 Comments on Black Freaky Friday

  1. The Mister and I are visiting family in the States, and he and my brother-in-law went to a couple of stores that had some bargains on Thursday night. They picked up two 4G UHD 60″ smart TVs for $298 each, and five tablets for $28 each. They said they had no problems. We all stayed at home yesterday.

  2. Humiliation by any other name, still would have no meaning for these people. Never liked this idea, never will. So much easier to shop in your pj’s with a cup of coffee in one hand and a credit card in the other.

  3. I’m sitting in OBX for the holiday. N Va is a long lost memory until tomorrow. 😩

    The parrots were out on the porch for a few hours and all the dogs have been to the beach. The only thing I’m missing is that I forgot to turn the damn heat down in the house before I left.

    Oh well, a couple bottles of wine have helped me forget that.

  4. I passed Virginia Center Commons Mall on my way to work on Barack Friday and the only cars in the parking lot were for American Family Fitness.
    The City of Richmond and Henrico County ran every retailer out with the best citizens they had to offer.

    But hey, I get to work on time now.


    It’s not “competitive shopping” it’s the chance to act LAWLESS for the first 15 minutes of a store opening.

    Don’t feel sorry for these people (other than the trampled staff) they came there to throw elbows and not get busted.

    It’s a MOSH-PIT. Sometimes you hit, and sometimes you get hit.

  6. @hanoverfist. Is there anything left in Virginia Center other than Sears and Penney’s? It’s a dinosaur mall filled with shoplifters gnawing on what remains of brick and mortar retailers. It’s pathetic.

  7. PHenry –
    We will stay put until tomorrow late afternoon. Roads until 95 will be clear and then 95 will be … an exit by exit decision… hopefully smooth sailing by then.
    No xmas parties then.
    Btw, I also have a bday during the xmas holiday. Sucks, except at our age. How old am I ? I don’t celebrate so I actually have to count. A Lindt Orange Dark Chocolate and a bottle of Cab and I’m happy.

  8. The day before they were giving thanks for all they have.

    The disease spread all over the world. In Brazil they also have “Black Friday”, which I heard some calling it “Black Fraud” because of the scams, the stores change prices and people end up paying more for what they think is a bargain. Well, at least they don’t have “Thanksgiving” the day before.

  9. I only did a little bit of shopping and I did it online from the safety of my home. I do not like crowds or traffic. Too easy to get trapped when bad things happen. Crowded places always make me feel uneasy.

  10. My time is worth more to me than anything I would save.

    There is no way on earth that I’m taking hours out of my life to sit in freezing temperatures to save $100 on an off-brand flat screen or some chinese made toy. Amazon practically gives away their Fire HD tablets. You can literally by 4 of them for $100-$150 without it being Christmas.

    Of course, the older I get the less and less I need or want. Spend less time shopping and wrapping presents and running around with the crazies. Spend more time with each other if you have someone or a family you hardly see.

  11. I am in San Antonio visiting relatives. we went to the mall last night and it was civilized because all the riff raff wore themselves out and went home….or jail. There was not one store in that mall that interested me. All I bought was a gumball.

  12. I’m with you eternal cracker P.

    Wife and I discussed it yesterday. We want for nothing. Christmas will be about giving to others as we have everything we need.

    Work gloves are worn out. Need those. That’s it though.

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