Hungarian Mayor Rounds Up Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

Hungarian Mayor Rounds Up Illegal Immigrants


Eagle Rising: The term “politically correct” does not exist for Mayor Laszlo Toroczkai of a small Hungarian town called Asotthalom. He is over allowing his people to be in harm simply because people are scared of hurting some feelings.

After Donald Trump was elected president, other leaders across the world were encouraged to stand up and do what is right, even if it is uncomfortable and unpopular.

The 45-year-old mayor of Asotthalom makes Trump’s travel ban look like child’s play as he took it to the next level and sent bounty hunters on horseback to round up illegal Muslim immigrants!

Daily Mail reports that locals in the town are growing annoyed at the hordes of immigrants that they continue to find sleeping on their lands and in their gardens. They claim they have watches thousands of them traipse through their village to get to other parts of Europe.

He has introduced a zero-tolerance policy against all migrants, saying that the very future of Europe is at stake because of people he calls Muslim ‘invaders’ and ‘future terrorists’, and has vowed to stop this movement of people.

The mayor hopes his latest policy will send a clear message to these illegal immigrant: “Hungary is a bad choice for migrants.” read more

10 Comments on Hungarian Mayor Rounds Up Illegal Immigrants

  1. Both Hungary and Poland have longer memories when it comes to invaders. Germany, France, the EU in general don’t recognize “the receiving end” doesn’t mean what they think it means.


    Liberals think that what you desire after an attack is a rush of SYMPATHY, like they want. They think you want to be coddled and the center of attention, and that’s enough.

    Conservatives (most of them) want to stop the people and behavior who caused the tragedy, but THEIR feelings might be hurt, so the liberal does nothing.

  3. All of the Hungarians I know are tough, and they prove it every day by drinking Zwack Hungaria Golden Pear Liqueur. It’s like ipecac syrup to all us weaklings (specifically all non-Hungarians).

    I barfed a little just typing this post.

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