John McCain Blasts Hillary Clinton on Election Post-Mortem: ‘The Hardest Thing to Do Is Shut Up’ – IOTW Report

John McCain Blasts Hillary Clinton on Election Post-Mortem: ‘The Hardest Thing to Do Is Shut Up’

Breitbart: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) tore into fellow failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her decision to publish a lengthy post-mortem of the 2016 campaign — saying “the hardest thing to do is just to shut up.”

“What’s the fucking point? Keep the fight up? History will judge that campaign, and it’s always a period of time before they do,” McCain said as part of a lengthy interview with Esquire published Sunday.

McCain was speaking from his experience of losing to the 2008 election to President Barack Obama. He said that while he was tempted to publish his own account of what went wrong, particularly as his reputation was damaged by tell-all book Game Change, he resisted.

His decision stands in stark contrast to Clinton, who has spent much of 2017 at speaking events relitigating the election and has also published her 500-page account of the election, What Happened. read more

14 Comments on John McCain Blasts Hillary Clinton on Election Post-Mortem: ‘The Hardest Thing to Do Is Shut Up’

  1. If you read or listen to the entire interview it’s pretty easy to figure out Johnny, the Traitor, is trying to paint himself as the savior of the RINO party. I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on him if he were on fire.

  2. I agree with Reboot! It certainly felt that way.

    Someone needs to confront the Left and the media (same thing) on their hypocrisy. They spoke so much about how “dangerous for our Nation would be if the loser party didn’t accept the result of the election”.
    -Hillary tweeted about it;
    -Talking heads had a field day blabbering about it;
    -Politico, I think, had “experts” writing on how unprecedented it was for a candidate to say he wouldn’t accept (DT didn’t say he wouldn’t, but the ran with it, anyway.)
    And now they are doing exactly that.

  3. “he was tempted to publish his own account of what went wrong, particularly as his reputation was damaged by tell-all book Game Change, he resisted.”

    And that’s it in a nutshell. He has no prob bashing Trump 24/7, yet chose not to defend himself. Perhaps the rumors were true?

    I don’t care if he delivered the Sermon on the Mount, I have zero interest in anything he has to say.

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