White House Mulls Electronics Ban to Fight Leaks – IOTW Report

White House Mulls Electronics Ban to Fight Leaks

The constitution: Donald J. Trump has been an unconventional President in a myriad of serious, yet completely necessary ways.

By electorally eviscerating Barack Obama’s heir apparent Hillary Clinton in November of 2016, Trump ensured that he would face a number of uphill battles in the four years to come.  In this first quarter of this term, the Commander in Chief has already been subject to a number of threats against his life, including numerous White House fence jumpers and a grotesque campaign by the mainstream media to normalize his very assassination.


One threat to his presidency seems to be more ingrained in the Washington culture than others, however, as a steady stream of leaked information has been migrating from the White House to the press in the last 12 months.

These leaks have been varied, with hefty tidbits of policy information hitting the press alongside tiny, trivial bits of information that feed into the mainstream media’s collaborative effort to sabotage America.

Now, as the administration gets down to brass tacks on major policy changes, the President is considering drastic action to patch the dam.

“The White House may ban its employees from using personal mobile phones while at work, raising concerns among some staffers including that they’ll be cut off from family and friends, according to seven administration officials.

“The White House already takes precautions with personal wireless devices, including by requiring officials to leave phones in cubbies outside of meeting rooms where sensitive or classified information is discussed. Top officials haven’t yet decided whether or when to impose the ban, and if it would apply to all staff in the executive office of the president.


9 Comments on White House Mulls Electronics Ban to Fight Leaks

  1. “The White House may ban its employees from using personal mobile phones while at work, raising concerns among some staffers including that they’ll be cut off from family and friends”

    This is why you only hire people over the age of seventy. (They know “That’s why it’s called ‘work’.”)

  2. Turn off the repeaters or jam them.
    What do you suppose White Hut staffers did before the invention of cell phones?

    Cell phones are no more necessary than are painfully bleeding piles.

    President Trump should put out a call for realists and get rid of the surrealists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The cost savings from not having to deal with the security issues of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) would pay many times over if all WH employees were simply issued a simple, basic cell phone and prohibited from bringing in anything else. No wi-fi, no bluetooth, no cameras, no data transmissions, only plain voice and text-only SMS.

  4. I’m well over 70. I knew for over 60 years “why it was called “work””. Thank God I am living off my investments; and the money stolen from me by the GOVT.

    Before I became a “Suit” I never talked to friends or family while at WORK. After; well RHIP

    But I never, ever, worked I or near DC. Had friends that did; and they did make personal cals on the taxpayers’s dimes.

  5. Ban all cell phones and other electronic devices. Wand everyone coming into a meeting. Set up and turn on a broad band jammer. For records, return to the days of stenographers/secretaries and hand written stenography notes.

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