Former DOJ Prosecutor: ‘Andrew Weissmann Is The Poster Boy For Misconduct’ – IOTW Report

Former DOJ Prosecutor: ‘Andrew Weissmann Is The Poster Boy For Misconduct’

“A corrupt cabal of prosecutors”


Andrew Weissmann is a prosecutor who hid exculpatory evidence and threatened witnesses. He acts like a mobster, and he’s on Muellers team.  Listen to the details of a discussion with former DOJ Prosecutor Sidney Powell, Greg Jarrett and Sean Hannity- Here


9 Comments on Former DOJ Prosecutor: ‘Andrew Weissmann Is The Poster Boy For Misconduct’

  1. Federal government is out of control. It’s like the Blob, it’s everywhere and growing. President Trump is going to need full body swamp waders.

    Slow Mo Sessions has got to GO!

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