MSNBC’s Joy Reid calls rural Americans the ‘minority,’ a ‘core threat to our democracy’ – IOTW Report

MSNBC’s Joy Reid calls rural Americans the ‘minority,’ a ‘core threat to our democracy’

Gather round the Twitter, children. Joy Reid, the Black woman’s answer to Keith Olbermann, has something hateful to say.

BPR: Suffice it to say that civics was not a class MSNBC host Joy Reid excelled at, if she took the class at all.

In a display of real privilege, Reid took to social media to say rural Americans — see white Anglo-Saxon Protestants — are “the core threat to our democracy,” supporting the blanket statement by pointing to tweets from a fellow liberal who claimed those who support President Trump “do not believe in the Constitution or any founding principles unless they’re advantageous.”

Go see all the stupid here

39 Comments on MSNBC’s Joy Reid calls rural Americans the ‘minority,’ a ‘core threat to our democracy’

  1. Joy Reid has got to be the single stupidest person in cable news. Just reading through her Twitter timeline shaves digits off your IQ. She is so vapid and clueless, but it’s coupled with staggering arrogance and condescension. But reading through the replies to her tweets is horrifying because there are actually people dumber than she is who gobble up every moronic word.

  2. There are so many ignorant women, black and white and mixed who are giving the American people “news”,
    along with homosexuals, who seem to own the TV medium, there is no answer to this other than total revolution. Otherwise we can’t win.

  3. Corky and Different Tim both nailed it. Rural Americans ARE a “core threat to our democracy”, which is why the Founding Fathers created a REPUBLIC using the ELECTORAL COLLEGE to ensure Rural Americans have a stake in the running of the country.

  4. While the cultural elites are dealing with their Rape/Sodomize scandals and the political lefties push their Hate/Enfranchise agenda, we in the rural hinterlands are grateful for the good old Great Compromise of our founding fathers to keep us ever so slightly relevant. That, and the first and second amendments.

  5. We rural folks would just stay out in the sticks and mind our own damn business if these idiots would let us. They can’t ever do that though and are always trying to pick a fight too damn stupid to realize not only do we know how to fight, but we hold a lot more cards than they do.

  6. Brad and Joe: I was just thinkin the same thing!!!

    That stupid bint would be far safer driving in our country than any white would in “her country”. But then, being enlightened, maybe she can’t drive. Maybe she’d have to have one of her fellow elites steal a car for her and drive her.

  7. willysgoatgruff, When my Baptist sister married a lapsed Catholic, they had a double ceremony with a Catholic priest and an Lutheran minister. When my sister pointed out to her new mother-in-law that she was Baptist, not Lutheran, her new mother-in-law said, “I thought you said you were Protestant!” My Presbyterian mother said, “Catholic, Lutheran, meh, close enough.”

    Christians who are neither Roman Catholic nor Orthodox are all Protestants. So even Anglicans are technically Protestant.

  8. This is how a useful idiot pontificates after indoctrination by communist operatives who control the U.S. Education system. Mz. Reid has been instructed she doesn’t need to understand how her country’s government operates in order to destroy it. Inspired by unfounded hatred, she blindly believes a socialist utopia is much better. Little does she know her extreme ignorance limits her ability to successfully function in this society – and she could care less.

  9. Black American still weigh in at about 12% of the population. I’ll take a wild shot and say at least 1% have left the plantation and vote conservative. They’ve joined our side. Big problems Joy because that number continues to grow. And we welcome them with open arms.

  10. It’s a good thing for Joy that her food comes from the store, and her electricity comes from wires running into her house, so she doesn’t have to rely on us horrible rural people for anything

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