Libyan Muslim acquitted of most serious charges in Benghazi jihad massacre, found guilty of terrorism – IOTW Report

Libyan Muslim acquitted of most serious charges in Benghazi jihad massacre, found guilty of terrorism

Jihad Watch: This is a war, and the Benghazi jihad massacre was one battle in that war. Yet authorities continue to prosecute these jihadis as if they were a series of criminals committing separate and discrete criminal acts that are unrelated to one another. If we had arrested and tried separately in criminal court every German and Japanese soldier captured during World War II, which side would have won that war? This myopia is self-defeating at best, and as the jihad continues, that will become increasingly obvious.



“Libyan cleared of most serious charges in Benghazi attack,” by Sadie Gurman, Associated Press, November 28, 2017:

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Libyan militant was convicted Tuesday of terrorism charges stemming from the 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. But a federal jury found him not guilty of murder, the most serious charge associated with the rampage he was accused of orchestrating.

The attack became instant political fodder in the 2012 presidential campaign, with Republicans accusing the Obama administration of intentionally misleading the public and stonewalling congressional investigators, though officials denied any wrongdoing. Some were particularly critical of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s handling of the conflict, which dogged her during her presidential campaign.

But the seven-week trial of Ahmed Abu Khattala was largely free of political intrigue.


8 Comments on Libyan Muslim acquitted of most serious charges in Benghazi jihad massacre, found guilty of terrorism

  1. Read the preamble to the Constitution: It was intended for Americans only. No way to allow these towel heads enemy combatants to have Constitutional rights just like they were born here!
    The government should appeal that verdict to the Supreme Court!

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