Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL): I Will Vote to Shut Down Federal Govt ‘Unless We Get’ DACA Amnesty – IOTW Report

Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL): I Will Vote to Shut Down Federal Govt ‘Unless We Get’ DACA Amnesty

Breitbart: Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) announced today that he will vote to shut down the federal government at the end of the year if the GOP spending bill does not include legislation to give amnesty to potentially 3.5 million illegal aliens in the United States.

In a speech to the pro-immigration IMPAC Fund, Curbelo threatened to help Democrats shut down the government if the 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are not given amnesty to permanently remain in the U.S.

“I will make some news here of particular interest to our friends in the fourth estate,” Curbelo said, according to the Hill. “I am announcing today that I will not support any appropriations bill that funds the government beyond December 31st unless we get this DACA issue resolved.”

“And by the way, it doesn’t have to be included in the spending bill, but it has to get done,” Curbelo said. “Again, as long as it gets done I’m okay with a stand-alone bill, if it’s part of another package, let’s just get it done.”

The open borders lobby immediately praised Curbelo following his threat.  more here


29 Comments on Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL): I Will Vote to Shut Down Federal Govt ‘Unless We Get’ DACA Amnesty

  1. Hey Carlos, shut it down, see if we give a shit. And while you’re at it….why don’t you give up the R after your name and go join the liberal democrat commies?? You’re a real piece of work. You’re an embarrassment to the real meaning of civil servant. In fact, you’re worse than a lying, shit laden democrat because most dems. no longer hide behind a façade of bullshit, rather, they openly show their hatred for the country. I’m sure they would welcome you with open arms.

  2. Why are Republicans even entertaining the idea of amnesty? Shut down the government, do anything but amnesty. We will never win again if amnesty is made law. America will stop being a republic and become a social democracy.

    It’s time to fight or fall.

  3. Doesn’t this RINO realize that the DACA Hispanics are NOT Cuban? They will completely overrun the Cuban-American population; which I assume is his constituency. Does he think Mexicans will vote for a Cuban Republican?

  4. @ Bad Brad….a better idea. Send me enough CNC machines, A knowledgeable operator or two who don’t mind living in the middle of nowhere and I’ll get it done….Ready workforce (mostly) and facilities for nothing…

  5. Either He’s out of His mind, or he’s as uneducated as the Democrats on this stuff. Obama was signing the damn DACA Papers while the Kid’s were miraculously showing up alone, riding on Buses and Atop Trains coming from Guatemala San Salvador Mexico and Iran? for all we know.
    Point is Obama Created this, as he acted overwhelmed and Self Important !!!

  6. Wow, he thinks that Trump won’t call his bluff. It’s time to play hardball and call out each Senator who is weak on border control and explain to their voters how much they cost the country as well as what they’ve done to the black community.

  7. I’m not the only military contractor effected by this and it takes a certain skill set to take a process/drawing created in 1952, interpret it, and reproduce it. Leave us guys out of this shit, or sooner not later you will be running out of B52 parts with no replacements available. Considering how often this happened during the Obamanation, I’m not hardly joking.

  8. I will make some news here of particular interest to our friends in the fourth estate,” Curbelo said, according to the Hill. “I am announcing today that I will not support any appropriations bill that funds the government beyond December 31st unless we get this DACA issue resolved.”

    Deport them along with their lying, thieving parents. Now, the issue is resolved.
    I’m shocked that our politicians, people we elected, and pay, to represent us, would side with illegal aliens. It was illegal aliens from Latin America who sued (Plyler v Doe) to force Americans to educate their illegal alien children. They didn’t care how harmful this would be to our children, but they want us to sympathize with the position THEY have put their children in. Really, they expect me to feel sorry for their children? When they smuggled their children into our country, they do so with the intent to steal from the American people. The k-12 educational costs for each “DREAMer” is 100 thousand to over 200 thousand dollars. We have Americans in prison for stealing far less. If we’re going to let “DREAMers” keep what their parents stole, we should let the children of apprehended bank robbers keep what their parents stole.
    Why didn’t our politicians do something to relieve us of the burden of educating illegal aliens? Why have our politicians nor relieved us of the cost of anchor babies? These are not difficult problems to solve. The only answer is, they want to turn our country into another Latin American cesspool.
    The American people have been insulted and abused by illegal aliens. We and our children are the victims, not the illegal alien “DREAMers”. Send them home where they can use their STOLEN education to better their home countries.

  9. No Naturalized Citizen should ever be
    allowed to work for our Government as
    they have already been brainwashed by
    their communist, marxists or socialist
    countries. They are always working against our capitalist form of government. Curbelo
    Should have his citizenship revoked.

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