Grocery Store Equality – IOTW Report

Grocery Store Equality

CFP:  Oh, Give Me a Home Where the Good Groceries Roam

One doesn’t have to be perpetually disgruntled to work in the Opposition Media, but it certainly helps. Not every Democrat operative disguised as a newsman can be assigned to the White House, but that doesn’t mean those unfortunates who aren’t can’t contribute to increasing the national vague sense of outrage.

The Washington Post is filled with stories designed to do just that. Recently the Metro section introduced readers to yet another artifact of our corrupt national system: “D.C.’s grocery gap reflects city’s income divide.”

Now don’t make the mistake I did and assume this is another hunger story. Hunger has been vanquished more thoroughly than Al Gore! The War on Hunger is the only successful social program in the history of Democrat handouts. I defy you to visit a school, mall, theatre, bus station, airport or stadium and find undernourished people.

Winning the War on Hunger was not a painless victory. There was collateral damage just like we see in kinetic conflicts. In Afghanistan collateral damage is typically confined to “wedding parties,” which limits the exposure of the general population. Collateral damage from the War on Hunger hit most of our population. Everything from weddings to wakes was affected. Many victims are still burrowing their way out of the adipose rubble, which tends to concentrate on the waist and behind.

America is now the land of the over–nourished.

Even the kids we’re told are one English muffin from disaster and must therefore eat free breakfast and lunches in government schools are fat. Gyms do a booming business because America is fat. Try this experiment and see if you don’t agree: The next time you go to a mall count the number of people you see who aren’t chewing.

Government bureaucrats and non–profit compassioneers have noticed this worrisome trend. The government compassion gravy train doesn’t attract the type of employee who will march in a Victory over Hunger parade through the streets of New York and then go get a real job. They prefer to redefine the mission and keep the tax dollars flowing.  read more

19 Comments on Grocery Store Equality

  1. Yeah…as if WHERE the grocery stores are really mattered…
    …ghetto scum gonna EBT its way to BAD FOOD *anywhere* it finds it.

    The headline OUGHT to read:
    “Dem Dindus gotta travel too damn far to buy steak and lobster with their EBT cards!”

    Washington, DC has its share of “farmers’ markets”
    (though, not as many as in flyover country, but compared to other urban areas…plenty),
    BUT: you’ll find maybe 0.1% of Washington’s black population shopping there.

  3. I get the grumbling growlies going when, after having so much of my earned income confiscated to feed layabouts, when I see dogooder commercials for food banks saying that many children don’t know where their next meal is coming from. What? I gotta pay for their Uber ride to the free food trough too?

    And now I’m being guilted into buying their Christmas presents now?

    Fuck the hell off.

    I give fairly generously to the truly needy. But I don’t throw open my wallet to professional hustlers working decades old poverty scams.

  4. I’ve seen this done over and over by cities whose black side of town has no grocery stores, nowhere to buy clothes or gas. So the cities give incentives, actually they give a free remodeled building or build a shopping center and give it rent free for a designated amount of time to someone who thinks like they do and it will work this time.
    It’s not long until the windows are getting broke out, graffiti sprayed on the buildings and then ultimately they go out of business because you can’t keep a business open where more is stolen than is it bought.

    So they go along 3, 5 or 10 years until the process starts all over again and the rest of the city pays for it over and over again.

  5. Just like it’s insanity when local housing authorities use federal grant money to improve their living situations, so they go through the neighborhood remodeling houses, putting in new hvac equipment with steel cages to just see within 6 months all of the houses trashed again and discover steel cages don’t stop them from stealing the air conditioners.

  6. Nobody is gonna build a nice large grocery store in some shitty urban neighborhood where 20 times per day, some dumbass negro runs in, steals a bunch of shit, and then runs out. And at least once a week there is a knock down drag out chimp out in aisle 3. Not worth anyone’s trouble. Non-black neighborhood have nicer things than black neighborhoods because nice things require civilized behavior to preserve and too many blacks are utterly incapable of civilized behavior, mostly because they’re too goddamn stupid to understand the connection between civilized behavior and nice things. They’re completely brainwashed to think that nice things are what is handed to you by some far off authority figure who must be “racist” because they keep giving white folks nicer things than black folks. They have zero fucking clue how any of this works, none.

  7. Accidental empirical evidence. I did a google map on my childhood home in San Gabriel CA over the weekend and went to street view. I was bored.

    Within one block I saw 2 abandoned grocery carts and bars on all the windows. It broke my heart.
    Zipped up to the grocery store google style, that I walked to as a kid.

    Liberalism and illegal immigration has destroyed that place.

  8. Ebby one of the groceries are well protected. The mom and pops? Cameras and weapons.

    But our fat ass EBT population is a different island import problem.

    We’re over 50% welfare here now.

  9. “Theft drives large grocers out of those areas.”

    Not only theft, but violence against both employees and customers. Black inner city neighborhoods are just plain dangerous.

  10. When all the folks want is potato chips, cheese puffs, pop tarts and coke, Harris Teeter and Safeway cede the field to 7-11. I’ve watched the grocery carts on EBT Card charging day, and none of them have any vegetables, fresh meat, or dairy products.

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