Guess who received virtually every political donation made by the staff of the CFPB – IOTW Report

Guess who received virtually every political donation made by the staff of the CFPB

CFP: Over the last year, I’ve frequently argued that “it isn’t just Trump.” My point has been that Progressives would have directed the same level of vitriol, hatred, and outrage at any Republican who had managed to halt the ascension of the left’s queen.  Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, whoever – it simply wouldn’t have mattered. You would have seen exactly the same effort to destroy that person.

There are two reasons for that. The first is that Hillary was supposed to be the final nail in the concept of the United States as a constitutionally-limited republic. She would have finished Obama’s work, irreparably altered the courts, and locked in our European-socialist future. They were so close they could taste it, and the stupid voters derailed their plan. Whoever they elected would have been hated with every fiber of the left’s collective being.

The second reason is that our Government currently exists almost as a living entity.  It toils relentlessly to preserve and expand itself.  Anything, or anyone, that manages to stand in the way of its growth is seen an intruder to be destroyed.  Trump may be a juicier target than most but, like a billion white blood cells, denizens of the federal dungeon would have swarmed any interloper in an act of self-defense.

Need evidence?  Take a look at the Washington Examiner’s breakdown of political donations made by staffers of the currently-embattled CFPB:

The Obama-era Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under fire by the Trump administration has been a Democratic Party donor bank, its bureaucrats writing checks to liberals at a rate of 593 to one Republican.


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11 Comments on Guess who received virtually every political donation made by the staff of the CFPB

  1. This bureau was the most in-your-face example of the Democrats burrowing into the bureaucracy to undermine the results of free and fair elections. I’m glad Trump is turning his sights on it. I hope he burns the mother down.

  2. The hack Leandra English said that she was going to meet with “external stakeholders” of the CFPB yesterday. I could figure out what that phrase meant. Now I know. Thanks for the clarification.

  3. The second reason is that our Government currently exists almost as a living entity. It toils relentlessly to preserve and expand itself. Anything, or anyone, that manages to stand in the way of its growth is seen an intruder to be destroyed.

    A good description and explanation of how such institutions take on a life of their own can be found in Butler Shaffer’s excellent book Calculated Chaos.

    Highly recommended.

  4. the government is giving away 4 1/2 trillion dollars every year, most of it borrowed so we don’t notice by having to pay higher taxes.

    you cannot have that amount of largess with out a large bureaucracy to manage it all right ?

  5. It’s not only donor dollars that need to be exposed…
    Out of curiosity I clicked on CFPB site and began drilling down on their “mission statement” & further the rules/regs whereby they allotted awards to various “injured parties/groups”, e.g., they don’t guarantee a plaintiff will receive settlement payment(s), in addition, they reserve the right to award payments awarded in one case to another entirely different case/plaintiff.
    Now if that isn’t straight from the Alinsky playbook.

  6. “it isn’t just Trump.”

    Democrats have always though that John McCain was one of the finest people ever to roam the face of the earth — except between August and November, 2008, when he had the audacity to run as the Republican candidate for President. As soon as he lost he was a good guy again.

  7. I feel vindicated because I have been saying this forever and the McCains, Romneys, etc will never get it. I particularly cringed when someone would say something like, “Well, I do like Sarah Palin, but she’s got too much baggage to be a candidate.”
    Liberals are the ones GIVING you the baggage.
    Had mild mannered milquetoast Jeb(!) Bush won, today he’d be Jeb The Racist, Sexist, NAZI!!!!!

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