Top Conservative Predictions For The Rest Of 2017 – IOTW Report

Top Conservative Predictions For The Rest Of 2017

Any goofy pundit can make annual predictions at the New Year and then escape accountability for his foresight failures because everyone forgets them, but the real challenge is making predictions right after Thanksgiving for the rest of the year. That’s living on the edge. And in an era when things change on a dime – Trump tweeted! Democrat got handsy! Idiots are kneeling again! – a month can seem like a year.

So, Democrats, since months seem like years to you these days, that means we have over 37 years of President Donald J. Trump left, plus another 48 more years after he crushes Crusty Commie Bernie or Her Chardonnayness in 2020. Go on, Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, drink up.

Anyway, here are my predictions for the rest of 2017!

ROY MOORE WILL WIN (Confidence Factor: 80%)

With the defenders of Bob Menendez, Al Franken, and John Conyers all doing the “Hey, sure, sexual abuse is bad, but let’s not get kooky about it, and also all the women, who we should totally believe, are all lying or delusional” thing, what do you think the people of Alabama are going to do? What do you think their thought process will be?

Gee, I guess we’re morally obligated to send a super liberal Democrat who sees a crosshair where we see a baby to Washington to join the pervs the Democrats are fine with because they are liberal even though the evidence – via WaPo and Gloria Allred – seems to get sketchier by the day. Oh, and we totally want to make Mitch McConnell happy.

Moore’s totally going to win, but the more interesting question is whether the Democrats, the GOPe, and the mainstream media will take a personal inventory and think about their role in electing Roy Moore.


Nah, it’s much easier, and so much more self-satisfying, for urban elites to pretend that the people of Alabama are a bunch of pro-pedo freaks than to consider that they actually don’t believe the charges, in large part because they don’t trust their establishment and media betters. Oh, and it’s easier to pretend that Alabamians don’t see the incredible hypocrisy being rubbed in their face by people who protect their admittedly guilty establishment fellow travelers while demanding that these red staters submit to years of representation by an ardent leftist based on hotly disputed claims.  Read the other predictions 

6 Comments on Top Conservative Predictions For The Rest Of 2017

  1. Already out on one – they passed tax reform. But what is really in it? No way did they get everyone on board without concessions we are going to find outrageous and appalling.

  2. “…he real challenge is making predictions right after Thanksgiving for the rest of the year. That’s living on the edge.”

    Yeah boy! I bet this dare devil drops his tray table on the plane right before landing too.

    Adrenalin junkies are among us. Probably only has a single point lap restraint on that desk chair.

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