CAIR Demands Mentally Disabled Man Be Charged With a Hate Crime – IOTW Report

CAIR Demands Mentally Disabled Man Be Charged With a Hate Crime

Geller Report : CAIR has recently published their 2017 Civil Rights report that is claiming a spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes. However, these “crimes” consist of things like internet posts. There are no reports of rapes or murders in their statistics.


Now, CAIR wants hate crime charges brought against a street person. CAIR wants him charged up even though he has no connections, followers, money, or medicine. This man can not even spell his own name.

When CAIR sounds the alarm about a rise in anti-Muslim “hate crimes,” this is what they are talking about .

For a perspective, consider the nuanced reaction certain Muslims had to things like the Fort Hood Shooter, or the Underwear Bomber.

8 Comments on CAIR Demands Mentally Disabled Man Be Charged With a Hate Crime

  1. Why CAIR – as an unindicted co-conspirator – hasn’t yet been disbanded and scattered to the hinterlands is a mystery. I remain firm in my belief that just such is on a list.

  2. The CEO and Board of Directors at MGM Grand/Mandalay Bay are huge donors to CAIR. They give a ton of money and browbeat their employees into giving them money also through payroll deductions labled “charity campaign”.

    Remeber that when you are making your vacation plans. Fuck Las Vegas.

  3. The muzzies have been very successful with curtailing free speach in England and elsewhere in Europe. They plan on doing the same here, and with the left greasing the skids.

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