Time Magazine’s Person of the Year Cover: A minor correction – IOTW Report

Time Magazine’s Person of the Year Cover: A minor correction

Time Magazine has released its Person of the Year and it’s chock-full of virtue-signaling tripe.

I know! Shocking!

Time chose the “Silence Breakers” – those women who started the MeToo movement which, of course, has snowballed into an out-of-control avalanche.

And it is out of control.

When companies choose not to include mistletoe in the Christmas decorations for fear that someone might kiss somebody, you don’t so much have a “movement” as a witch hunt.

It’s odd to me that a culture that is jettisoning sexual mores with wild abandon could at the same time turn a harmless offer of dinner and a movie into sexual assault.

But there you go.


What I find remarkably hypocritical about them celebrating the MeToo movement is for decades they ignored the women whose lives were ruined by the Clintons.


16 Comments on Time Magazine’s Person of the Year Cover: A minor correction

  1. This all happened years ago. WTF is wrong with these bints. 17 years ago this guy who is very old now touched me. Why didn’t you say something when it happened you dumb bitch.

  2. They all crave the attention they garner for being “victimized”. They’ll blow anything out of all proportion to achieve this status. It’s nothing more than childish behavior when you get down to the root of it.

  3. I agree that the women Clinton manhandled, raped, and ruined their lives should be on Time but I also think Corey Feldman should be too. He has been trying for decades to get anyone to pay attention to him. Or maybe even Ronan Farrow for persisting to get someone to print his report on Weinstein. He is certainly someone who recognizes pedophilia when he sees it since his “father” is one.

  4. In the past, TIME did not distinguish between good or bad people for their POTY choice.
    They dropped the ball big time.

    The obvious choice was the poster child for all this: Harvey Weinstein.

    Image a graphic picture of that gross beast, the ghoul you ceded your integrity to, in order to ‘become a star’!

  5. Big payday coming! They all saw that a few bimbos sued long after the fact for supposed harassment against those Fox moguls and the resultant payout was in the ultra millions of dollars!

  6. Am I right? December 7, 2017 at 2:49 am

    This all happened years ago. WTF is wrong with these bints. 17 years ago this guy who is very old now touched me. Why didn’t you say something when it happened you dumb bitch.

    Fear is why they didn’t come forward. Or maybe they did and they were told to keep their pie hole shut or be on the long list of people who got an untimely death with the Klintons.

  7. Where is Sarah Palin? Where is Michelle Bachmann? Oh yeah they were on the cover for very different reasons. Because the left hated them. I would say these two women helped usher in Donald Trump in a big way. They were DJT before it was cool to be DJT.

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