Nikki Haley: ‘There’s an open question’ on whether US athletes will attend Winter Olympics – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley: ‘There’s an open question’ on whether US athletes will attend Winter Olympics

BPR: International tensions are heating up as the Winter Olympics draw closer.

The Olympic games are set to begin February 9 in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Americans are wondering whether US athletes will be safe in light of hostility from North Korea.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley addressed the concern in an appearance on Fox News, saying that it is an “open question” whether American athletes will participate at next year’s games.

Responding to anchor Martha MacCallum’s question about whether Korea is safe for Americans in the current political environment, Haley said:

“I think those are conversations that we’re going to have to have, but what have we always said? We don’t ever fear anything, we live our lives. We use our freedom, we have that. And certainly, that’s a perfect opportunity for all of them to go and do something they’ve worked so hard for.

“What we will do is make sure we’re taking every precaution possible to make sure that they’re safe and to know everything that’s going on around them. So I think that’s something where the administration is gonna come together and find out the best way to make sure they’re protected. “  more nere

8 Comments on Nikki Haley: ‘There’s an open question’ on whether US athletes will attend Winter Olympics


    How many existed after WWII? Zero right? So why do countries, including the U.N. still entertain NORTH KOREANS?

    EVERY ally of the U.S. should kick out North Korean citizens. They are ALL party members, and part of the problem. No regular citizen gets to live and work outside of N.Korea.


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