She sold out! Rachel Dolezal’s 2018 Calendar – IOTW Report

She sold out! Rachel Dolezal’s 2018 Calendar

You’d think it would be black and white photography.

Spin: So you drew Natalie from accounts payable out of your office’s Secret Santa and the two of you have never exchanged words beyond general pleasantries and gripes about the morning commute. What do you get for the coworker you barely know? A scented candle? A random basket of skin care products swiped off the table in the front of The Body Shop on your way out of the mall? Or do you go the extra mile and order her a calendar full photos of Rachel Dolezal styled like she’s the third lead in an episode of The Red Shoe Diaries?

In addition to the photos of Dolezal wearing a prom gown in her portraits, $18.99 buys you her “own inspirational quotes” and  “Black History [sic] facts throughout the year.”  more here

31 Comments on She sold out! Rachel Dolezal’s 2018 Calendar

  1. bill December 8, 2017 at 10:29 am

    $18.99 ?

    awful expensive for 12 rifle targets.

    Wait until February 1, you can buy one for $1 at The Dollar Tree!

  2. By the way, with the census coming up, I am considering identifying as a black female.Think it might throw the numbers back our way on affirmative action and such nonsense. Good idea or bad?

  3. Shortly hereafter all 10 calendars that were made will be placed on the clearance shelf right next to Sir Hillary Clintons “WHAT HAPPENED” the cheap thriller about the bloody beatdown of her presidential illusions!

  4. I just drove thru Troy, Mt. on my way to Libby on Wed., my how they must be really proud of her in probably one of the most white places in all of America. There are more Norwegians and ancestors of Norwegians in that area than you can shake a stick at. It’s also where this years national Christmas tree at the white House originated from out of the Kootenai Natl. Forest.

  5. God Bless America!

    Is this a great country, or what? Where else could a lying, pusillanimous, fucking piece of monkey-shit, racist, maggot like Dolezal amount to any more than a dumpster-diver?

    Makes me feel proud … for the first time in my life … sorta …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Yet another post documenting the downfall of Western Civilization, and that can rightfully have a comment to the effect of “Just when you think the Left can’t get any crazier, they cry out ‘Hold my beer’…”

  7. Good for her, Rachael led the twisted way to racial identity. Things wouldn’t be self-identifying with such diversity had she not stepped forward presenting the impossible with the possible, the implausible with the plausible, and the pluck to upset everybody. She is an entrepreneur taking the wisdom of Einstein and applying it in real time:
    “I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. It’s because of them I’m doing it myself.”

  8. If Elizabeth Warren can be a Cherokee woman, and Bruce Jenner can be a real woman, why then can’t RD be a Black woman if she wanted to? This is the modern day left. Where they don’t know their ass from a whole in the ground, and everyone expects them to be sane..hardly.., and yet..Trump is the it..

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