Florida man gets 15 years prison for breaking windows and leaving bacon at a mosque – IOTW Report

Florida man gets 15 years prison for breaking windows and leaving bacon at a mosque

Jihad Watch: Fifteen years? For vandalism? He smashed lights, cameras, and windows at a mosque, and left some bacon by the front door. The vandalism is inexcusable and the bacon obnoxious, but fifteen years? The sentence, says AP, “had a hate crime enhancement.” In other words, he is being made an example of. Because he did this at a mosque, he is getting this draconian sentence. If he had broken windows and smashed lights and cameras at a church, his sentence wouldn’t have been nearly as severe. But all too many American authorities today hold to the false notion that Muslims are victims of wholesale persecution and harassment in the U.S., and so when someone actually does target them, as opposed to the large number of fake anti-Muslim hate crimes, the full weight of judicial authority crashes down upon the offender.

This is not a Sharia sentence. If Michael Wolfe were in a Sharia state, he would probably be killed. But it’s close.  read more

SNIP: Here’s the thing- If he had done it to a Christian church, more than likely they would have prayed over him and allowed him to help do repairs on the church. I highly doubt the  church  would think a 15-year jail time plus 15 years probation is a fair sentence, even with the vandalization charge from earlier in the year. I think he should do some jail time, but 15 years? No.

15 Comments on Florida man gets 15 years prison for breaking windows and leaving bacon at a mosque

  1. Florida Department of Corrections:
    Average sentences:
    Murder 23.5
    Sexual Offenses 11.9
    Robbery 8.2
    Violent Personal Crimes 4.3
    Burglary 4.6
    Theft Forgery Fraud Theft, Forgery, Fraud 2.3
    Drug Offenses 3.0
    Weapon Offenses 3.3
    Other Offenses 2.5

    It’s not like he robbed, raped and Murdered the Pig for the bacon to place at the mosque.

    The sentence must be appealed.

  2. The account of this I read yesterday did mention that he had multiple previous convictions and that this sentence reflected his status as a habitual offender. And not only did he leave a few pounds of bacon as a door prize, he went around smashing lights and stuff with a machete.

    Now, if he got 15 years simply for the bacon caper, that’s utterly outrageous! But it looks like there’s more to it than that.

  3. Liberals are usually against “three strikes” sentencing laws, but it seems they’re OK with this case. And we know they love “hate crime” laws, those are generally good for 3-5 extra years by bumping the crime up one degree. Plus this guy had two previous prison stints, and in Florida you often need 5 or more previous felony convictions before being sent to prison the first time. Which typically means you’d have to COMMIT 20 or 30 felonies to get the 5 convictions.

  4. This is CAIR (The Council on American-Islamic Relations) at work here folks. Time to wake up and smell the Arabic Coffee.
    This is Sharia compliance…coming to a town near you soon.

  5. I honestly do not trust our justice system anymore, haven’t for quite sometime. Judges and jurors too often are imbeciles.
    This was a case of an imbecile judge.

    This video imho is a case of a jury full of imbeciles. If this is how cops are now trained then we have a serious problem. Why the hell point a gun at a man and make him jump through hoops while telling him you’re going to shoot him? You have him down, there are two of you, you’ve already cuffed the woman, why not just walk over and cuff the man. Why all the dramatics? Hell, you had him so freaked out it’s no wonder he screwed up. I’m sorry if I had been on this jury, this cop would not have walked. This literally made me want to throw up. If a civilian had done this we’d fry, a damn cop should be held to a higher standard.


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