Robert Spencer Tells Us How Robert Mueller sabotaged counter-terror training in 2012 – IOTW Report

Robert Spencer Tells Us How Robert Mueller sabotaged counter-terror training in 2012

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer explains how, while he was director of the FBI, Robert Mueller presided over and approved of the removal of all mention of Islam and jihad from counterterror training materials, thereby hamstringing agents’ ability to understand the motives and goals of jihad terrorists, and to counter them effectively.
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7 Comments on Robert Spencer Tells Us How Robert Mueller sabotaged counter-terror training in 2012

  1. This denial of the Muslim reality and accountability in all terrorist events, (both domestic and world-wide) was just implementation of Obama’s policies and world-views.
    Obama was and is a Moslem, (mainly in the closet, like his homosexual tendencies). All his policies and sympathies lie with the Moslem Street, from his treatment of Netanyahu, to his release of Gitmo detainees, to his non-interference at Benghazi.

    You would have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to realize this — and that is what the State Department, the Defense Department, and the CIA did, during the Obama debacle. They were completely fettered with Obama’s chains.

  2. I can’t for the life for me understand the end game for appeasement to Islam. They aren’t going to change their goals. They play their targets like a fiddle and we seem to be dumb enough to help turn the pages in the music book for them. Wonder if they’ll thank us prior to dragging the blade over our throats?

  3. It is fairly obvious the Mueller is a long term swamp critter that bends to the wishes of each and every president. Fidelity, bravery and integrity are all foreign words to him. Mueller is most likely a prime factor in the unpreparedness of our vaunted law enforcements inability to do more to staunch the growing Islamic threats in our own country. Having spent more than a year in Iraq working with thousands of Iraqis every day I can assure you all the believers of Islam want us to do is die. I do not have any intentions of allowing that to happen.

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