At one time, society encouraged these people to get medical treatment – IOTW Report

At one time, society encouraged these people to get medical treatment

Now, we encourage their mental problems.

Breitbart: Woman Becomes ‘Engaged’ to Chandelier- 

A woman has become “engaged” to her favorite chandelier, according to a report.

33-year-old Amanda Liberty from Leeds, England, reportedly proposed to the chandelier on Valentine’s Day, however she will be “continuing an open relationship with the rest of her collection of 25 chandeliers,” according to Inside Edition.

“You can’t control who you fall in love with and things just went from there,” explained Liberty, who added that she saw her “fiancée” Lumiere on eBay last year.

Inside Edition reported, “The nearly 30-inch wide chandelier is an antique and had to be shipped over from Germany,” and, “Although Lumiere is the only chandelier that wears a ring,” Liberty “loves all the light fixtures in her collection.”

“I couldn’t stop thinking about her and how beautiful she was — she has such a beautiful shape, and I could feel really amazing energy coming from her,” she proclaimed. “Although I knew it would be tricky to get her home, I knew I needed to find a way to make her mine.”

“None of my chandeliers are jealous of each other, they understand that I love them all for all of their different personalities,” Liberty concluded. “For example, I love kissing and cuddling Lumiere, but I sleep with Jewel every night, as she is portable and very nice to cuddle.”

Liberty, who reportedly identifies as “objectum sexual,” first fell in love with a drum set at 14-years-old, and was previously in a relationship with the Statue of Liberty, “for which she legally changed her name in 2010.”  read more

29 Comments on At one time, society encouraged these people to get medical treatment

  1. She’s just poking fun at Life so if she costs me nothing, then nothings really lost here !
    Crazy on freaky British lady, you go – go on to the Stars if you want, just leave me out of it !

  2. Well, how the hell will this end, since marriage is out, unless the lamp can blink it’s answers to the vows. Blood tests? Signatures for paperwork? I think the looney if barking up the wrong lamp post. Perhaps her collection fell on her all at once and damaged her pea brain. Her light is on, but nobody is home.

  3. It’s sa girl chandelier—- just to make it extra special! How long before we are all supposed to pretend that this is not only normal but far superior to normal behavior?

  4. Billy Fuster, if you have to choose between the lawnmower and the weed trimmer (I can’t see why you can’t marry both), I’d say you marry the trimmer. Those things look menacing, I wouldn’t want to make it angry.

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