New Sheriff in Town: Deportations Up, Hispanic Unemployment at All-Time Low – IOTW Report

New Sheriff in Town: Deportations Up, Hispanic Unemployment at All-Time Low

Limbaugh: This is the most… The employment news, the jobs… It was good news. That’s all you need to know. The unemployment rate stays at 4.1%. The number of jobless claims — which I know sounds confusing for those of you in Rio Linda (it means the number of people applying for unemployment) — was way down below expectations. But that’s not the news.

The Hispanic unemployment rate dropped to 4.7%. That is the lowest in the history of the United States. That’s 4.7% unemployment in the Latino and Hispanic population — and, again, that’s the lowest in the history of the United States. Couple this with the news that we have had all week that manufacturing jobs, the original number was 40,000, and I think it’s closer to 50, maybe 51,000 manufacturing jobs recreated. These are jobs which had been lost.

They’ve been recreated, repatriated, remade here in the United States in the first 10 months of the Trump administration. The economy is just booming. The statistics here are undeniable. Why do you think the unemployment rate for Hispanics dropped to 4.7%? Again, that’s the lowest in the history of United States. Now, you compare that. The Democrat Party — and, for that matter, the Republicans — for the last 20 years have been doing competing handstands trying to convince Hispanics that they’re all for them by promoting amnesty by having open borders. more

5 Comments on New Sheriff in Town: Deportations Up, Hispanic Unemployment at All-Time Low

  1. Arrests have been made in the California fires. They won’t say what nationality they are. I betcha they came from south of the border, pissed off that they have to go back to poverty while those living in the mansions live high on the hog. The two fires we had in my neck of the woods, one started on a pot garden and the other by a homeless man. But the ones in Santa Rosa area – lots of pot farms burned along with grape orchards. Best way to reek havoc on a State – burn it down!

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