John Lewis is a petty, bitter little man – IOTW Report

John Lewis is a petty, bitter little man

Patriot Retort: Today the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum opened with great ceremony and fanfare.

But one so-called “civil rights icon” was absent.

Congressman John Lewis boycotted the event for the exact same reason he boycotted the Inauguration last January.


President Trump was going to be there.

What a petty little baby John Lewis is.

You know most people learn at an early age that the world doesn’t revolve around them.

But not so for the petty, bitter little man from Georgia.

Earth to John Lewis. Not everything is about you.

And if you really believed that the Civil Right Movement is “marching on” – as your website declares – you would put your petty, bitter butt-hurt aside for one damn day.  MORE/Video

45 Comments on John Lewis is a petty, bitter little man

  1. Civil Rights, Incorporated. It’s a dandy gig for every member of the so-called Black Caucus and every race-baiting, race-mongering, ignorant, selfish grifter out there. They hate Trump because he’s exposing not only their colossal failure to help “their people”, but their corruption, too.

  2. Huh. Who knew? If all it takes for Rep. Lewis to stay home is having the president show up, then the first place Mr. Trump should go every morning is the House of Representatives. Maybe he can keep a bunch of them away.

  3. We’ve seen this bullshit before from progtard assholes. They define the narrative in such a way that there is literally nothing you can do that doesn’t make you an “evil” person.

    If Trump shows up, then it’s a “slap in the face”.

    If Trump doesn’t show up, then it’s a “slap in the face.”

    Fuck you democrats. You are all vermin now.

  4. I was watching FOX today about President Trump’s visit the Civil Rights Museum. But the banner on the screen said, for hours, Lewis not attending, Lewis not attending, and I said to myself, Who gives a flying phuck about Lewis? He’s a phuckin’ eegit, on the same plane brainwise as that moron from Georgia, the Guam tipper, Johnson, and that mad
    bewigged idiot Waters. Blacks in America are being represented by crooks and ignoranuses. I pity the black man and woman who tries to get away from these morons. There is no way. As long as people who cannot read or write, are allowed to vote.
    The likes of Lewis want to keep it that way. In recent years Koreans, Vietnamese, Philippinos, have come to this country and opened businesses in black ghettos only to be shaken down by the likes of Sharpton. Successful black men like Harry Alford are insulted by white liberals. Check out the exchange between Harry Alford and Barbara Boxer.
    I’m tired, tired, tired of all this bullshit.

  5. Yeah John, you’re only as good as your last gig.
    What exactly have you done lately, except ride on past achievements long past their value.
    You insufferable old fraud, go squint at your bathroom wall, and pound out your memoirs.

  6. He’s 77, been in the House 30 years. Go back and look at old pictures, he was once a normal looking guy. Now he has a prednisone face. It’s the face of an old man on steroids. No wonder he’s so unpleasant.

  7. The Civil Rights movement is Marxist. A strong-armed socialist faction created in current terms, to virtue signal white progressives and weaponize ignorant plantation dwelling black liberals – especially those in predominately black churches. The Civil Rights movement has resulted in Southern fascists being replaced by leftist progressives who encourage black liberal self-destruction.
    You bet John Lewis is threatened. As economic opportunities increase for all Americans, thanks to President Trump, race baiting cretins like John Lewis will lose more of their influence over black liberals. Otherwise, known as soft targets for leftists.

  8. Well look at the guy. You would be bitter too if you looked like life beat you with the ugly shovel from dusk till dawn and left you as permanently brain damaged as this old fool is. Race baiting bullsh!t artist is all he is really qualified for.

  9. John Lewis is a petty, bitter little man…and in the vernacular, he ugly too!
    Maybe Lindsey Von should date him, since it’s over with Tiger Woods.
    They can piss and moan about Trump all night long.
    I don’t WANT her to represent our country.

    Karma: Lindsey hurt her back today on the slopes.

  10. Poor Lazlo is right on the money. Any good the man may have done 50 years ago won’t cover the harm he is doing now.

    Remember: even Benedict Arnold was once an American war hero.

  11. John Lewis IS a “civil rights” icon.

    He has done NOTHING.
    Accomplished NOTHING.
    Sacrificed NOTHING.
    Aspires to NOTHING.
    And will leave only a wet, smelly tobacco-stain on the World upon his death.

    He is the Proto-Typical “House Nigger” of yesteryear: taking his orders, quietly muttering “yassuh,” and fulfilling the role designated by his socialist/totalitarian/nihilistic masters – to the detriment of his Party, his Race, his Country, his State, and his “conscience.”

    Satan recognizes him as one of his own – an amoral man.

    izlamo delenda est …

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