Swag Seminary – IOTW Report

Swag Seminary

Is your pastor old and outdated? Send him to Swag Seminary! John Crist and Aaron Chewning are back, helping pastors become more relevant.

13 Comments on Swag Seminary

  1. The sad part is that all 3 of these goofballs could pass themselves off as “preachers” these days on the TV and a large percentage of “evangelicals” would think they were awesome “men of God”.

    The apostle Paul (among others) warned us about them.

  2. That is a snarky but insightful response to something they probably don’t fully understand. There is no biblical warrant for what has long been the modern career pastor/minister, much less any kind of intercessory priest. All of it will be judged by fire.

  3. The problem is not pastors exactly but what churches do to pastors.

    Expectations of selling “faith and hope” are pushed rather than allowing pastors to be “beacons of faith and hope.”

    Your pastor should not be one of the guys or just another blogger on the way to kingdom come.

    The pastor must know the Bible, embrace Biblical teaching, and BELIEVE the Bible.

    Too many pastors don’t actually believe the Bible is God’s Inspired Word given to humanity so they end up trying to be the CEO and COO of a community club in a community that no longer needs community clubs.

    God’s Word is not taught but rather a buffet brunch of human prejudice, half-truths, and rabbit’s foot doctrine and policies based on their perception of “well it was good enough for my parents and grandparents so…”

    The modern church exists to self-perpetuate itself and does more damage than it solves.

    Find a teacher that believes the Bible, teaches it, and lives it. Test continually and avoid people whose religion and faith are based on superstition.

  4. I gave up about 2 minutes into the video, what a bunch of hooie. If I went to a church like these 2 turkeys describe I think I’d be gone after the first time. It’s all about grace, just the fact that God accepts as who I am and what I am is enough for me. My church is a small church that came out of the churchianity of the 90’s and early 2000’s and broke up in 2004 because we got so damned high and mighty thinking that because we were a large church with lots of programs, great music etc. that our shit didn’t stink. God thought otherwise and we got knocked down a few pegs and we are so much the better now because it’s all about God, the Gospel and grace and helping one another instead of dead lifeless programs that promote the church and its ministry over God. The Rick Warrens, Joel Osteen’s etc. make me sick, I can’t stand their false phony baloney prosperity gospels that elevate man over God wit the idea that you can please God or make him like you by giving or tithing or just being a good person. I’m a sinner just like everyone else and grace is what gets me through and not all the rest of the churchianity (social gospel/American gospel etc.) baloney.

  5. Acts is our example for church, but our churches look nothing like Acts. Our churches look like all the other churches with differences that tweak the “experience”. Sad. The reality of scripture is not present in our lives. But our culture sure is.

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