“Roy Moore’s Gonna Win!” – IOTW Report

“Roy Moore’s Gonna Win!”

Roy Moore Supporter Crashes MSNBC Live Report: ‘Roy Moore’s Gonna Win!’

h/t Abigail Adams.

17 Comments on “Roy Moore’s Gonna Win!”

  1. True. Even when Black people are telling them to their faces that they’re Conservatives or pro-right leaning, the libs still can’t accept it or they flat out won’t talk about it. It’s pathetic.

  2. Funny. Watching Fox News Sunday this morning. Chris Wallace had some dem mouthpiece on that said blacks won’t vote for Moore and I remembered seeing this. Yeah right, still waiting for Candles to win in a landslide.

  3. Honestly, I could watch this on continuous loop all day long! Absolutely LOVE this guy’s enthusiasm and his happy, flag-waving dance!! Conservatives are grateful people which makes them happy people.

  4. What’s TRULY funny is the so-called reporter is in the studio dressed as if he’s outdoors and he’s being green-screened. The video engineer played the wrong clip.

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