CNN Doesn’t Want To Talk About Its Colossal Don Jr. Screwup – IOTW Report

CNN Doesn’t Want To Talk About Its Colossal Don Jr. Screwup

DC: CNN has yet to offer a full explanation for how it butchered a story alleging that the Trump campaign was provided a preview of documents stolen from the DNC during the presidential campaign.

The network, which bills itself as “the most trusted name in news,” says its journalists, Manu Raju and Jeremy Herb, went through the proper editorial process and therefore won’t be disciplined. CNN also claimed that the sources for the story did not intend to deceive. By providing that cover, CNN avoids having to identify its anonymous sources.

But a review of CNN’s reporting on the story raises questions about both of those defenses. And neither Raju nor the network want to talk about it. Raju declined comment, and referred questions to CNN spokeswoman Lauren Pratapas. Pratapas did not respond to a request for comment.

To recap what happened: Raju reported early Friday morning that Donald Trump Jr. had turned over to investigators with the House Intelligence Committee an email from a man named Mike Erickson which provided a link to a batch of DNC documents along with a decryption key. Erickson also mentioned documents that had been stolen from former Sec. of State Colin Powell.

Raju reported that the email was sent on Sept. 4, 2016. That date was significant because it was 10 days before a Russia front group called DC Leaks released stolen Powell emails.

If Erickson had indeed provided the hacked documents to Trumpworld in advance of their public release, CNN would have uncovered the first evidence that the Trump campaign was aware of Russian hacking prior to it being made public.

But CNN’s story fell apart four hours after publication.  read more



12 Comments on CNN Doesn’t Want To Talk About Its Colossal Don Jr. Screwup

  1. Just how flawed is CNN’s story checking process that something that seems easy to check flow through? How can they be proud of that process as well as stand up for the leakers that gave it to them. My God, you could almost leak any lie you want to CNN and they’ll print it. When are the airports going to cancel CNN’s contract and replace it with one of the other news organisations or for that matter the Home Shopping Network.

  2. CNN Editor – “is the source solid?”

    CNN Reporter – “Yes, rock solid. 1-800-Psychic has never let me down”

    CNN Editor – “Ok let’s run with it before lunch. This will give our afternoon panels time to hatch some conspiracy theories based on your sources intel.”

  3. That’s because it is nearly proven that the email was leaked out of the Intel Committee by none other than Adam Schiff, the minority leader of that committee. Apparently this would have been a document that would have been viewed by few people under a SCIF protocol. It is theorized that the IG investigators purposely changed the email date in order to catch a leaker and it sounds like they were closing in on their target. Sundance has the convoluted story. If true, this sounds like the same kind of sting operation that Trump ran within his own campaign — planting false info — in order to chase down who was leaking it. LOL!

  4. CNN’s decline shows in the demographics.

    Average viewer age is 62.

    The only people I know who actually watch CNN are ageing Boomers for whom CNN is a conditioned habit since the 1980s.
    Younger people aren’t watching.
    CNN is not replacing its ageing audience.

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