CNN, MSNBC Cover Trump’s TV Habits During NYC Terror Explosion – IOTW Report

CNN, MSNBC Cover Trump’s TV Habits During NYC Terror Explosion

DailyCaller: Authorities apprehended a terrorist suspect Monday after he orchestrated an explosion in downtown Manhattan, but CNN and MSNBC decided to pivot from the breaking news to cover a much more pressing story: President Donald Trump’s TV habits and love of Diet Coke.

Initial reports indicate that the explosion is a probable terror attack, but as details of the attack were still being fleshed out, both CNN and MSNBC spent a significant amount of time covering a New York Times story about a day in the life of POTUS.

CNN talked to Michael D’Antonio, a CNN contributor, about Trump’s TV-watching habits and how much diet coke he drinks every day from 8:40 am ET to 8:47 am  read more 

9 Comments on CNN, MSNBC Cover Trump’s TV Habits During NYC Terror Explosion

  1. wait .. they’re actually concerned about how much Diet Coke he consumes for seven minutes ?????

    “…how much diet coke he drinks every day from 8:40 am ET to 8:47 am”

  2. S’all they can dredge up on a Monday before the Tuesday Alabama election? Pathetic. POTUS Trump only needs about 4-5 hours a night. He sleeps with as much intensity as he does everything else.

    He joked once that he’d never seen a thin person drinking diet soda, so he must not have any delusions about how it is saving his waistline. LOL

  3. If that much Diet Coke is unhealthy ya think the MSM like Camerota would be rooting for him to drink MORE of it !! And if it was the Dowager Empress in the White House she’d be hittin the Smirnoff by about 3pm, and NO ONE in the Press Corps would say a word about it !

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