NoKo: Kim Jong Un can control the weather! – IOTW Report

NoKo: Kim Jong Un can control the weather!

He can control the weather,  but not his fat.

USA Today; North Korea has made many incredulous claims about the powers of leader Kim Jong Un and his family. Now it’s boasted of the greatest yet: He can control the weather.

After releasing images this weekend of a smiling Kim on top of Mount Paektu, an active volcano on the China and North Korea border, the nation’s state media said the “peerlessly illustrious commander” can control “the nature.”

The evidence for this weather modification?

When Kim “ascended” to the top of the 9,000-foot mountain through thick snow wearing his signature double-breasted winter coat and black leather shoes, a blizzard gave way to “fine weather unprecedented.”

Kim was apparently responsible for this moment of sunshine on what should have been, according to a North Korean government statement, a dreary winter day.   MORE

15 Comments on NoKo: Kim Jong Un can control the weather!

  1. There are several passages in the Bible that show Lucifer has some control over the weather. He can, of course, be over-ridden by God, as when Yeshua (Jesus) calmed the storm. A good argument can be made that Krazy Kim is in the employ of Lucifer.

    MJA, I am reminded of the old joke: Q–“Do these clothes make me look fat?” A–“No, the fat makes you look fat.”

  2. He can’t even control his giant piehole from eating the ration of half his nation on a daily basis. Nor can he control his democidal daily body count.

    But oh no, Kim Hi-Fat Fuck controls the weather.

  3. this is what happens when the government has total media control … instead of the 1/2 of the population believing the media, NoKo has mostly all the population believing this silliness

    just think if Filonia von Pantsuit was in charge today …. the only difference between her & this bloated bowl of Gobchang would be the blonde wig … & our media would be telling us the same garbage

    I thank God every day for PDT

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