Some thoughts on the Alabama race – IOTW Report

Some thoughts on the Alabama race

Patriot Retort: So Roy Moore lost a safe Republican Senate seat in Alabama last night.

I went onto Twitter after the race had been called for Doug Jones (or Doug Moore as the always brilliant Sheila Jackson-Lee called him).

(Yeah. I took a screen-cap for when she deletes it).

Any old how. As I was saying.

I went onto Twitter after the race was called. And the reactions were all over the map.

Some Moore supporters became nearly indistinguishable from the way Hillary supporters acted in the wee hours of November 9, 2016.

Others were less surprised.

But I’m not one to scream helplessly at the sky.

Mostly because we’re not helpless little snowflakes.

We lost.

Let’s suck it up, accept the loss and figure out the best way forward.

And, yeah. Many on social media are already accusing the Democrats of fraud and other underhanded tactics to get this win.

I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they’re right.

But here’s the thing. When Democrats run in an election, the best you can say about them is they skirt the very edges of propriety. More often than not, they find ways to outright cheat.

That’s not news.

Meaning, we should always figure that into our strategy.

The bottom line is Alabama is a solid Republican state that just elected a Democrat because the Republican was not a particularly good candidate.

This wasn’t the Democrats scoring a win so much as it was the Republicans fumbling the ball in the end zone.

On the plus side, it has taught me to pay more attention to Donald Trump’s political instincts.  more

31 Comments on Some thoughts on the Alabama race

  1. The Democrats only have to run against the Republicans and a few media figures. While Conservatives have to run against the Democrats,the main stream media,the academics,unions,libereral business interests,IRS,FBI,DOJ,RINO’s and I’m sure others I haven’t mentioned. The odds seem ever so slightly stacked against us. Just saying.

  2. Flawed? Meh

    I think he was an honorable man who got destroyed by the political machine.

    No honest, decent, good conservative will ever win high political office any more. When was the last one? Reagan?

    Good people will never be elected to high office becaus the evil SOBs who run the government won’t allow it. They will destroy them with fabricated stories.

    Am I wrong?

  3. One prob I saw with Moore was that he was blunt, spoke his mind and pretty much didn’t give a shit who he was talking to. All good, but he doesn’t have the personality to back all that up.
    He couldn’t walk into a room full of people, hold their interest and control the room. Trump can do it. If he couldn’t, he wouldn’t be president.

  4. Geeknerd,

    Because he’d say “Damn straight! I banged that cow like a barn door in a hurricane, and we enjoyed ourselves in our entirely mutually consensual biological coupling!”

    And that would be the end of that.

  5. The battle lines for 2018 are being drawn and the Republicans need to get their act together. Soros transferred $18 Billion of his private wealth to his charity making it the second richest next to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He is going to pump that into the next election for sure.

    People need to wake up and see what the endgame is here, thoroughly destroying the United States as we know it.

  6. muddjuice,

    “No honest, decent, good conservative will ever win high political office any more. When was the last one? Reagan?”

    Is Trump not honest, decent? He is surprisingly conservative to many people.

  7. A disinformation troll would write just such an opinion. Don’t ask questions, just take the rigged election as normal and move on. Roy Moore had the winning votes, but was illegally outmatched with rigged votes just at the end. Trolls don’t want facts discussed, or investigations done. I remind all that the CIA has many 24/7 cyber trolls inserted on sites like this to accomplish that. We have a corrupt and criminal government that is dead set against upholding Constitutional Law. And just how much of that is even left? It is no secret that the US Senate did not want Roy Moore among them to make ethical waves to counter their own lack of ethics and morals.

  8. In 2016 the deplorables were “woke”. Last Tuesday in Alabama the resistance was “woke”. This was going to be a slam dunk so Republicans didn’t show up. Some that did show up thought they we be cute and vote for Nick Saban. Even our other senator set an example and wasted his vote on a write-in. The lesson is that we can’t get complacent. Election have consequences.

  9. I’m a disinformation troll?

    Golly. When am I getting that paycheck from the CIA tRuth? Was I supposed to submit a time card? A W4? Do you mean to tell me all this time I’ve been on the CIA payroll without one red cent coming my way?

    Loosen the tinfoil hat, love. Your brain is suffocating.

  10. @ Dianny….That by far in my opinion was one of the best you have ever done!!!!….Dianny: “The Alabama Senate race was the Kobayashi Maru of elections”…Loved that Star Trek reference because it could not have been more appropriate being a no win situation.

  11. @tRuth–Roy Moore had an entrenched 30% voters who would have voted for him no matter what. This was our 3rd election in months. We had a primary for the Republican candidate and (full disclosure) I voted for Mo Brooks. We then had a run off with a 14% turn out. I remember posting here that if y’all outside of the state wanted Roy Moore you were going to have to send money because the Democrats smelled blood in the water and they were going to flood our state with money and celebs. I voted for Moore but I think he is squirrel and it has nothing to do with the allegations. Trust me, I am not alone. There were a lot of write in votes (Nick Saban got 2,000). There are many people AND tactics to blame. Moore ran a terrible campaign, really terrible. It was a goat rope from the beginning.
    Dianny is not a disinformation troll.

  12. @muddjuice December 13, 2017 at 10:46 pm

    > I think he was an honorable man who got destroyed by the political machine.

    > No honest, decent, good

    No good person (which requires decent, honest, and a few more traits) can game the system, to acquire the wealth, to self-fund their own candidacy. Let alone, again, and again. That, really, is not who they are.

    No one who can game the system, to acquire the wealth, to fund another’s candidacy, will spend on the disloyal (foolish poor people might call it incorruptible) people that can not game the system, themselves. That, really, is not who they are.

    That is the system’s design. It’s not a flaw, it’s a feature. That, really, is what it is. And it really doesn’t care what you think of it. Get over yourself. (But, if you get over yourself, don’t try to then got over the system. That’s treason, Loyal Citizen.)

  13. “…because the Republican was not a particularly good candidate.”

    BULL. Too many Republican Alabamans – especially White Republican Alabamans – did not get off their butts to vote.

  14. It’s probably very simple. Moore was not the incumbent (Strange was, sort of) and we all know the incumbent tends to win re-election.
    Too bad SJL didn’t tell everyone to vote for ‘Doug Moore’ before the election.

  15. @joe6pak December 14, 2017 at 9:30 am

    Change the answer to the question? Of course.

    If the question is “Which of the Democrats of national standing” (see what I did there?) “is the most mentally capable of ruling The United States of America, for the eight years between 2024 and 2032?”, then pointing out, as an absolute, “They’re all, already, beyond mandatory retirement age in any organization that requires any sort of mental acuity or physical capability to do an actual job.” is a non sequitur — if we’re grading on a curve.

    (And it’s not in my job description to explain “What do we do if the minimum, absolute, requirements for being allowed to be considered for the position, result in a candidate pool of zero participants.”)

    Looking at the quote, exactly: If “many people” would describe Donald J. Trump as “honest, decent” and “surprisingly conservative”, then some people would have to disagree. That rules out The Resistance, who do not agree that “honest” nor “decent” can be “surprisingly conservative”. So, yes I must be thinking of other people. But, grading on the curve of “People that the Republican Team of The Party League allowed on the ballot in 2016” could cause many more people do describe him that way, relative to the choices allowed.

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